Actors & Actresses from the 2000s | Posters
Top Signers
F. MURRAY ABRAHAM - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 280840He signs a 26x40 color poster for the film The Name of the Rose. Poster signed: "F. Murray Abraham". Color, 26x40. Poster advertising the 1986 film The Name of the Rose. F.
Price: $260.00
GENE AUTRY - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 348075The Western film and television star signs this 21½x27 poster! Poster Signed: "Best Wishes/ Gene Autry" in black felt tip. 21½x27 visible. Color. Nine images of Autry in several different Western film roles.
Price: $800.00
PETER BOGDANOVICH - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 225930Giant (27x41) promotional poster for his 1981 film, They All Laughed, signed by Bogdanovich, who wrote and directed what was billed as "A New York Romance. Poster signed: "Peter/Bogdanovich". Color, 27x41.…"
Sale Price $195.00
MATTHEW BRODERICK - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 280849He signs this color 26x40 movie poster for the 1985 movie Ladyhawke Poster signed: "Matthew/Broderick" in black ink, color, 26x40. A movie poster for Ladyhawke (1985). Matthew Broderick (b.
Price: $200.00
JAMES CAAN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER CIRCA 1974 - HFSID 254547James Caan signs a color 27x40¾ poster for the movie The Gambler. Poster signed: "Best Wishes/James Caan". Color, 27x40¾. James Caan starred in The Gambler (1974).
Price: $280.00
CINDY CRAWFORD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 27609724x20 color glossy of the supermodel in a sexy pose Photograph signed: "Cindy Crawford". Color, 24x20.
Sale Price $325.00
TOM CRUISE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 350322Poster for the movie Jerry Maguire signed by Cruise. Poster signed: "Tom Cruise". Color, 26x39. In this 1996 Cameron Crowe film, Cruise starred as Jerry Maguire, a sports agent who has a moral epiphany and is fired for expressing it.
Price: $1,600.00
ELISHA CUTHBERT - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 27883327x40 movie poster for The Girl Next Door, signed by Cuthbert Poster Signed "Elisha/Cuthbert" in blue ink. Color, 26¾x39¾.
Sale Price $625.00
DOM DELUISE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER 1987 - HFSID 280236Color 27x41 poster promoting Hot Stuff signed by Dom DeLuise with a heart Poster signed: "Love/[drawn heart]/Dom DeLuise/'87 [drawn happy face]/xx". Color, 27x41. One-sheet movie poster for the 1979 movie Hot Stuff.
Sale Price $215.00
LEONARDO DI CAPRIO - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 254574In this large signed 27x40 poster for the 1995 film The Basketball Diaries, the now-acclaimed modern-day actor wears a suit and tie and leans against a wall Poster signed: "Leonardo/DiCaprio". Color, 27x40. ©1995 New Line Productions, Inc. Leonardo DiCaprio (b.
Price: $1,200.00
CAMERON DIAZ - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 256923Diaz signs a 26½x29½ movie poster from the 1997 film My Best Friends Wedding Poster Signed: "Cameron Diaz". 26½x29½. Model turned actress Cameron Diaz (born 1972) made her screen debut in The Mask (1994).
Price: $220.00
PHYLLIS DILLER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 36483A signed 10¼x13½ color poster for the Winter 1966-1967 issue of Gentlemen's Quarterly, picturing the comedian on the cover Poster signed: "Phyllis Diller". Color, 10¼x13½.
Price: $260.00
PHYLLIS DILLER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 36484This 11x15 poster for The Symphonic Phyllis Diller is signed by the comedian who moonlighted as a pianist Poster signed: "Phyllis Diller" 11x15. Phyllis Diller (1917-2012) was one of the greatest female comedians of the 20th Century.
Sale Price $175.00
PHYLLIS DILLER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 216160A signed 10¼x13½ color poster for the Winter 1966-1967 issue of Gentlemen's Quarterly, picturing the comedian on the cover Poster signed: "Phyllis Diller". Color, 10¼x13½.
Price: $280.00
HARRISON FORD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 265602Color 27x41½ poster promoting Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade signed by Harrison Ford. Poster signed: "Harrison Ford". Color, 27x41½. © 1989 Lucasfilm, Ltd. One-sheet movie poster for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Price: $950.00
HARRISON FORD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 280234Color 26½x40 poster promoting Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark signed by Harrison Ford. Poster signed: "Harrison Ford". Color, 26½x40. © 1981 Lucasfilm, Ltd. One-sheet movie poster for Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Sale Price $795.00
HARRISON FORD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 350320Poster for the movie AIR FORCE ONE signed by Ford. Poster signed: "Harrison Ford". Color, 27x40. ©1997 Columbia Pictures Industries Inc. In this 1997 film, Ford starred as James Marshall, a one-time combat hero who is the President of the United States.
Sale Price $795.00
DANNY GLOVER - ANNOTATED POSTER SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 350309Color publicity poster showing Mel Gibson, Danny Glover and Joe Pesci in Lethal Weapon 3. Poster signed: "Danny Glover" as Murtaugh and "Joe Pesci" as Leo Getz. Color, 26¼ x 39¼. Stage, screen and television actor Danny Glover (b.
Sale Price $1,350.00
ARMIE HAMMER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 316902Shown with "Tonto" (Johnny Depp) in a 24x40 poster for The Lone Ranger, with Hammer in the title role! Poster signed: "Armie Hammer". Color, 24x40. Shown in the title role of the 2013 feature film The Lone Ranger. Also shown is Johnny Depp as "Tonto".
Price: $240.00
CHARLTON HESTON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER CIRCA 1992 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 269324Signed 18x24 poster for "Red White and Boots", a country music concert "honoring Senator Phil Gramm" and held during the 1992 Republican National Convention Poster signed "Charlton Heston", "Chuck Norris", "Randy/Travis", "Louise/Mandrell", "Fred Travalena" and "Susan/Howard".
Sale Price $425.00
BEN KRONEN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 41034The actor signed this unusual portfolio-style movie poster - complete with a pop-up of a rabbit smoking a joint - for 1985's Mugsy's Girls with "Best Wishes" in blue ink. Poster signed "Best Wishes/Ben Kronen" in blue ink.
Sale Price $105.00
ROBERT LINDSAY - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 87909Signed poster for Me and My Gal, a role which won him an Olivier and a Tony Poster signed: "With love/& success/Robert Lindsay". Color, 6x9. Printed poster for the Broadway production of Me and My Gal, signed in gold ink. English stage and screen star Robert Lindsay (b.
Price: $180.00
GROUCHO (JULIUS) MARX - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER CIRCA 1967 - HFSID 350381Groucho signs a photograph of himself, Harpo and Chico smoking a Turkish pipe. Photograph signed: "Groucho", 26½ x 38.
Sale Price $845.00
ROBERT MITCHUM - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER CIRCA 1954 - HFSID 251049Robert Mitchum signs a color 27x41 poster advertising the movie Track of the Cat. Poster signed: "Robert Mitchum". Color, 27x41. Track of the Cat movie poster. Copyright 1954 Warner Bros. Pictures Distributing Corp.
Price: $280.00
MATTHEW MODINE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 280839Color 27x41poster from the movie Birdy signed by Matthew Modine. Poster signed: "Matthew Modine". Color, 27x41 overall, image 25x39 (one surface). In Birdy (1984), Matthew Modine (born 1959) played the title role as a disturbed Vietnam vet obsessed with birds.
Price: $220.00
AL PACINO - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 276046The famed actor is shown in character as "Michael Corleone" in this 35x23 black and white still from the 1972 film The Godfather, signed in blue ink Poster signed: "Al Pacino" in blue ink, b/w, 35x23.
Price: $950.00
DOLLY PARTON - INSCRIBED POSTER SIGNED - HFSID 226230Dolly Parton inscribes a 20x22½ color poster. Poster Inscribed and signed: "For my Friend,/Seluyn/With Love/Dolly Parton". Color, 20x22½. Songs like "Here You Come Again" and "Two Doors Down" have made Parton one of the most famous country singers alive.
Sale Price $250.00
JULIET PROWSE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 221902Poster 25½x12 from the stage production "timestep" - at the Chaffey College Theater Poster signed: "Juliet/Prowse". 25½x12 poster.
Price: $200.00
BURT REYNOLDS - ANNOTATED POSTER SIGNED - HFSID 63657. Poster signed: "Warmly/Burt/Reynolds". Color, 24x30 overall, image 22x27½ (one surface). A montage of eight images of Reynolds, including a baby picture. © The Nostalgia Merchant for his signature.
Price: $750.00
BURT REYNOLDS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER - HFSID 6362624x30 color publicity poster of a montage of eight images of Burt Reynolds. Poster signed: "Warmly/Burt/Reynolds". Color, 24x30 overall, image 22x27½ (one surface). A montage of eight images of Reynolds, including a baby picture.
Price: $500.00