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1921 Pulitzer Prize winner in History, Admiral William S. Sims,  sends a letter of regret Typed Letter Signed: "Wm S. Sims ". 1p. 8x10 ½ letterhead U.S. Naval War College. Newport, Rhode Island, 1919 May 31. To: Mr. Charles F.

Price: $260.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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1921 Pulitzer Prize winner in History, Admiral William S. Sims,  sends a letter of regret
Typed Letter Signed: "Wm S. Sims ". 1p. 8x10 ½ letterhead U.S. Naval War College. Newport, Rhode Island, 1919 May 31. To: Mr. Charles F. Jenkins, The Farm Journal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In Full: "My dear Mr. Jenkins: I can honestly say that it would give me genuine pleasure to lunch with you on June 3d and to renew my acquaintance with Mr. Frederick Wile, who I count as one of my old friends. Unfortunate-ly however, I have made arrangements to take a short leave during the first week in June and do not feel justified in cancelling those arrangements. Please give my kindest regards to Mr. Wile, and with sincere appreciation of your courteous invitation, believe me Very truly your,"   As naval aide to President Theodore Roosevelt, WILLIAM S. SIMS (1858-1936) brought about great improvements in naval gunnery. He commanded the Atlantic Torpedo Flotilla (1913-1915) and was President of the Naval War College (1917). Admiral Sims was named Commander of U.S. naval forces in European Waters (1918). He was coauthor of The Victory at Sea, which won the 1921 Pulitzer Prize in history. Received stamp lower right corner. Normal mailing creases. Filing holes at top center. Fine condition.

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