Sale Price $221.00
Reg. $260.00
Large 11x14 b/w photograph of Aileen Pringle - flapper style beaded
headband & long string of pearls
Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Jess Hoaglin,-/a diligent
digger. Hamlet/found poorYorick and you/Aileen Pringle/192?-1967". B/w,
11x14. Silent film star Aileen Pringle (1895-1989) had her first major role in
Valentino's Stolen Moments (1920). Four years later, she reached major
stardom in the steamy (for the era) romance Three Weeks, based on a
romance novel by her friend Elinor Glyn. Disliked by many in the film industry,
Pringle was popular with the nation's literary and artistic elite, her
friends including H. L. Mencken, George Gershwin, and novelist James Cain (her
second husband). Illustrator Ralph Barton modeled his drawings of Dorothy in the
Anita Loos novel Gentlemen Prefer Blondes on Pringle. Edges and corner
creased. Otherwise, fine condition.
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