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Al Dark and Lee Wallis sign a piece of paper. Signatures: "Al Dark" and Lee Walls", 4½x2¾ piece of paper.…"

Price: $90.00

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Al Dark and Lee Wallis sign a piece of paper.
Signatures: "Al Dark" and Lee Walls", 4½x2¾ piece of paper. ALVIN Dark (1922-2014), the 1948 Major League Rookie of the Year, spent seven of his 14-year career playing shortstop for the New York Giants, the rest split among the Braves, Cards, Cubs and Phillies. He managed the 1962 Giants to the National League pennant and the 1974 A's to the World Championship. Traded from Pittsburgh to Chicago in 1957 after his first full season, in 1958 LEE Walls (1933-1993) hit .304 with 24 HR and 72 RBI, his best season, and hit three HR in a game on August 24. After a disappointing season in 1959, he shuffled from team to team. Walls was a batboy for the Pacific Coast League Padres in the mid-1940s. Cubs fans nicknamed him Captain Midnight because of his oversized, wire-rimmed glasses. Fine condition.

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