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The American theologian writes a letter ushering in a new president for the City Missionary Society of Worcester. A rare signature! Typed letter signed: "A.Z. Conrad", in brown ink, 1 page, 8¼x8½. October 21, 1896, Worcester, Massachusetts. To "Dear Mr.…"

Price: $320.00

Condition: Lightly soiled, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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The American theologian writes a letter ushering in a new president for the City Missionary Society of Worcester. A rare signature!
Typed letter signed: "A.Z. Conrad", in brown ink, 1 page, 8¼x8½. October 21, 1896, Worcester, Massachusetts. To "Dear Mr. Woodward", in full: "The Committee on Nomination of the City Missionary Society for the ensueing year were hearty and unanimous in selecting you for the position of President. In this decision we were heartily seconded by the superintendent, Dr. Mix. As you are probably aware now that the society has so capable and competent a superintendent, the duties of the President are by no means what they used to be. The Society holds but few meetings during the year, but it is exceedingly important that we have a man who understands how to dispatch business promptly and to preside over the meeting. We are also especially desirous of having someone whose dignity, urbanity and general ability will commend the Society to the citizens of Worcester. Hence our selection of yourself. It will be a very great disappointment to the Committee if you should feel compelled to decline. I very earnestly hope you will accept the nomination and allow us to present your name to the Society at its meeting Monday evening, Nov. 2nd. Your most sincerely,". Acrturus Z. Conrad (1855-1937) served as pastor of Park Street Church in Boston, Massachusetts from 1905 to 1937. A theologian and author, he was educated at Carleton College, Union Theological Seminary and New York University. His most noted works include Fraternity (1895), Twenty Reasons Why Revivals Are Desirable (1900), Jesus Christ at the crossroads (1924) and his last collection Commemorative Exercises at Park Street Church 1937 by Conrad. Toned. Small tear at op edge. Lightly soiled. Creased. Adhesive residue on verso. Otherwise, fine condition.

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