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Art Carney signs standard release for News Syndicate Co. Typed Letter Signed: "Art Carney". 1p, 8½x11. New York, N.Y., 1958 October 14. Printed Release Form authorizing News Syndicate Co. to use Carney's personage for promotional purposes excluding commercial advertising.

Price: $360.00

Condition: Slightly creased Add to watchlist:
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Art Carney signs standard release for News Syndicate Co.
Typed Letter Signed: "Art Carney". 1p, 8½x11. New York, N.Y., 1958 October 14. Printed Release Form authorizing News Syndicate Co. to use Carney's personage for promotional purposes excluding commercial advertising. Distinguished actor Art Carney (1918-2003) began as a comedian, moving into a sidekick role for others. While serving in World War II, Carney was hit by shrapnel (leaving him with a slight limp) during the Normandy landing. After the war he found much work on Broadway, both as a dramatic and comic actor. He is best known, however, for his role as Ed Norton, Jackie Gleason's pal in the classic '50s TV sitcom The Honeymooners. Later, personal problems caused him to leave the Broadway run of The Odd Couple. Carney soon returned to work as an actor, going on the win the Best Actor Oscar for his performance as a 72-year-old in Harry and Tonto (1974); he has also won several Emmys for his work on TV. Slightly creased and soiled. Otherwise, fine condition.

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