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Letter to Kitty Carlisle Hart, hoping both survive into the twentieth century. (They did.) The letter was in the estate of the late actress.

Sale Price $275.00

Reg. $340.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Letter to Kitty Carlisle Hart, hoping both survive into the twentieth century. (They did.) The letter was in the estate of the late actress. Matted with a photo of Schlesinger
Autograph Letter signed: "Arthur", 5½x4¼ card, in sleeve affixed to 8½x11 light cardstock. In the same mat is an unsigned photo of Schlesinger (color, 4½x6½). No place, 1996 October 18. On personal letterhead to "Dear Kitty". In full: "Thank you so very much for your sweet and charming note. Your phrase about going 'without much distinction' into the 21st century is, also, all too accurate. But let us be sure that we make the new century together. Love".  Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. (1917-2007), historian and author of 16 books, was awarded two Pulitzer Prizes: the 1946 Pulitzer Prize in History for The Age of Jackson andthe 1966 Pulitzer Prize in Biography for A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House. Schlesinger was a presidential special assistant and speechwriter (1961-1964). This letter is addressed to, and was in the estate of, versatile singer, actress and TV personality Kitty Carlisle (1910-2007), who was still performing a one-woman show as late as 2006. She was married to playwright Moss Hart until his death in 1961. Bottom edge lightly toned. Fine condition.

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