Price: $420.00
Album leaf with an original black ink drawing of a woman's head, signed "with the best
wishes of" Saturday Evening Post artist
Inscribed Original Art Signed: "To Carla Becker/with the best wishes of/Arthur/William/Brown".
B/w, 4¼x6 album leaf, 1¾x1¾ drawing, one surface, with rounded bottom edges. According
to the notations on verso, Brown drew this in Jan. 18, 1941. Brown (1881-1966), an artist
for The Saturday Evening Post for 40 years, wasa school drop-out who got his start in
drawing by selling his sketches to newspapers while working on a steamer. He got a job
drawing at The Saturday Evening Post after tagging along with a friend who was covering a
circus for the magazine. Brown's pencils appeared in most Post issues starting in the late
1910's; headded washes to his repertory starting in the early 1930s.He also drew story art for
other magazines and book art for books, as well as drawing patriotic posters during World
War I. Lightly foxed and creased. Show-through from notations on verso (does not touch
signature). Removed neatly from album at top edge. Folded once and unfolded. Otherwise,
fine condition.
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