Art & Architecture | Art / Illustrations
Top Signers
DON ADDIS - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 286633Addis creator of Bent Offerings, signs a card including a drawing of a flying insect Original Art Signed: "Best from/don/addis/&/"BENT OFFERINGS". 5x3. Don Addis (1935-2009) created comic strips. He began working for the Times Publishing Company in 1964.…"
Price: $200.00
CHARLIE ADLARD - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 299796His signed ink drawing of a Walking Dead zombie on a card showing a box of popcorn Original Art signed: "Charlie Adlard", in black felt tip, 5¾x5¾. He draws an image of a Zombie and signs on a card showing a box of popcorn.
Price: $200.00
GENE AHERN - INSCRIBED ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 157567His inscribed and signed ink drawing of "Buster" from "Our Boarding House" Original Art inscribed and signed: "'Buster'of/ 'Our/Boarding/House' =/The 'Press' -/To/Miss/Foster/'some sweetie'/Gene/Ahern", 3½x4¼ card.
Price: $220.00
GENE AHERN - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 157566His signed ink drawing of "Buster" from "Our Boarding House" Original Art signed: "'Buster'/of 'Our/Boarding/House' =/Gene/Ahern", 1¾x3½ card. Ink drawing of the character Buster, with pencil blocking marks.
Price: $220.00
ADOLF JELINEK "A. ALEX" ALEX - PRINTED ART SIGNED - HFSID 142836Original 4½x5¼ color handprint of three couples strolling through a European village, signed by him in pencil, "A. Alex." Original Art signed: "'Orig. Handdruck' [German for "handprint]/A. Alex" in pencil. Color, 4½x5¼.…"
Price: $320.00
BILL AMEND - INSCRIBED ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 256794Small 1¾x2¼ color drawing of Paige Fox from the popular comic strip FoxTrot on an index card, signed "With Best Wishes" by FoxTrot creator Bill Amend Inscribed original art signed "To Steve/Jusick,/With Best Wishes,/Bill Amend".
Price: $160.00
BRAD ANDERSON - INSCRIBED PRINTED ART SIGNED - HFSID 305442Shown at his drawing board in this 8½x11 printed illustration, assisted by Marmaduke and his other cartoon characters Inscribed printed art signed: "Woofs!/for B. Fine!/Brad Anderson" in purple ink. B/w. 8½x11.
Price: $180.00
BRAD ANDERSON - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 205029Drawing of adorable Great Dane Marmaduke by its famed creator, the American cartoonist! Original Art Signed: "Brad Anderson/and Marmaduke".5x3 card. Black ink drawing.
Sale Price $357.00
BRAD ANDERSON - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 278489The famed cartoonist drew a 6½x3½ drawing of Marmaduke on this 1980 first day cover honoring Sequoyah, inventor of the Cherokee alphabet, and signed it "Woofs! From Marmaduke!" Original Art Signed:"Woofs!/from/Marmaduke!/Brad Anderson".
Price: $420.00
BRAD ANDERSON - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 299799His signed ink drawing of lovely Marmaduke saying “Yum!” on a card showing a box of popcorn! Original Art signed: "Marmaduke/and/Brad Anderson". 5¾x5¾. Drawing of Marmaduke eating popcorn and saying "YUM!…"
Sale Price $357.00
STEPHEN ANDERSON - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED 12/2011 - HFSID 299991The Disney animator illustrates a man on a 4x6 card Original Art Signed: "Stephen Anderson/12/11", 4x6. Stephen Anderson (b. 1967) is an American film director, screenwriter, voice actor, and animator.
Sale Price $187.00
STEPHEN ANDERSON - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED 12/2011 - HFSID 299992The artist signs and dates a 4x6 color illustration of an ape Original Art Signed: "Stephen/Anderson/12/11", 4x6 Stephen Anderson (b. 1967) is an American film director, screenwriter, voice actor, and animator.
Price: $220.00
SERGIO ARAGONES - INSCRIBED ORIGINAL ART SIGNED 1994 - HFSID 286199His drawing of Alfred E. Newman on a 5x3 card, with an inscribed signature appearing as a dialogue balloon from Newman Inscribed Original Art Signed: "To/Elizabeth/Mad-ly/Aragonés/94". 5x3. On this envelope, Aragonés has drawn "Mad" magazine's Alfred E.
Price: $550.00
SERGIO ARAGONES - ORIGINAL ART ON FIRST DAY COVER SIGNED - HFSID 252638His original ink caricature of MAD magazine's publisher, drawn on a FDC honoring New York Times publisher Arthur S. Ochs Original Art on First Day Cover Signed: "MAD/[drawn human figure]/Gaines/Publisher/MADly/Aragones", 6½x3½.
Price: $550.00
SERGIO ARAGONES - ORIGINAL ART ON FIRST DAY COVER SIGNED 1991 - HFSID 252425He draws Alfred E. Newman from "MAD" Magazine on this FDC honoring the entennial of the discovery of gold Original Art on First Day Cover Signed: "Mad-ly!/Aragonés/91", 6½x3¾.
Price: $550.00
ROBB ARMSTRONG - INSCRIBED ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 181830Inscribed and signed original art: his characters Joe and Marcy Cobb from "Jump Start," delivering a birthday greeting Original Art signed: "Happy Birthday!/From/Robb/Armstrong". Color, 5x8.
Price: $320.00
ROBB ARMSTRONG - INSCRIBED ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 291486Inscribed and signed original art, his characters Joe and Marcy Cobb from Jump Start, saying "Hi Betty" Inscribed Original Art signed: "Hi Betty/Robb/Armstrong". B/w, 3x5.
Price: $220.00
ROBB ARMSTRONG - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 286850On this First Day Cover he has signed his original drawing of Joe Cobb from his comic strip Jump Start Original Art signed: "Armstrong", 6½x3½. He has drawn Joe, the lead character in his comic strip Jump Start.
Price: $180.00
ELMER ATKINS - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 13083Original 8½x8 black ink cartoon of a veterinarian at a costume ball, drawn by cartoonist Elmer Atkins Original art signed "Atkins". Red ink notations in unknown hand and black ink stamps on verso. 8½x8 overall, 8x6¼ drawing, one surface. Pen and ink cartoon.
Price: $120.00
ELMER ATKINS - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 13888Original 8½x7¾ uncaptioned black ink cartoon of a baby mermaid left at a "Seamens Institute", drawn by cartoonist Elmer Atkins Original art signed "Atkins". Red and blue ink notations in unknown hand and black ink stamps on verso.
Price: $120.00
ELMER ATKINS - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 13889Original 8½x8 uncaptioned black ink cartoon of a disobedient dog at an obedience school, drawn by cartoonist Elmer Atkins Original art signed "Atkins". Red and blue ink notations in unknown hand and black ink stamps on verso.
Sale Price $126.00
ELMER ATKINS - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 14161Original 8¼x8 black ink cartoon of a quick-thinking woman winning first prize as Lady Godiva instead of Joan of Arc at a costume ball, drawn by cartoonist Elmer Atkins Original art signed "Atkins". Red and blue ink notations in unknown hand and black ink stamps on verso.
Price: $120.00
ELMER ATKINS - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 14162Original 8½x7¾ black ink cartoon of three hippos and "the thunderous pitta-patta of tiny feet", drawn by cartoonist Elmer Atkins Original art signed "Atkins". Blue and red ink notations in unknown hand and black ink stamps on verso.
Price: $120.00
ELMER ATKINS - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 14163Original 8½x7¾ black ink cartoon of a homicidal dentist - "You have no idea how the sight of blood affects Doctor Zwindell..He actually goes berserk" - drawn by cartoonist Elmer Atkins Original art signed "Atkins".
Sale Price $108.00
ELMER ATKINS - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 14164Original 8½x11 politically incorrect cartoon about Native Americans and bladder control, drawn by cartoonist Elmer Atkins Original art signed "Atkins". Red and blue ink notations in unknown hand and black ink stamps on verso.
Price: $160.00
ELMER ATKINS - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 30414Original 8½x10¾ black ink cartoon about tender moments with sheep and slaughterhouses, drawn by cartoonist Elmer Atkins Original art signed "Atkins". Red ink notations in unknown hand and black and red ink stamps on verso.
Price: $160.00
ELMER ATKINS - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 30415Original 10¾x8½ black ink cartoon about marital infidelity among the Eskimos, drawn by cartoonist Elmer Atkins Original art signed "Atkins". Red and blue ink notations in unknown hand and black ink stamps on verso.
Sale Price $108.00
ELMER ATKINS - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 30416Original 8½x11 black ink cartoon about getting shot down, drawn by cartoonist Elmer Atkins Original art signed "Atkins". Red and blue ink notations in unknown hand, black ink stamps and green adhesive labels on verso. 8½x11 overall, 8x9 drawing, one surface.
Price: $120.00
ELMER ATKINS - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 31146Original 8½x9½ black ink cartoon about two-timing Prince Charmings, drawn by cartoonist Elmer Atkins Original art signed "Atkins". Red and blue ink notations in unknown hand and black and red ink stamps on verso.
Sale Price $108.00
ELMER ATKINS - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 31148Original 8¼x11 black ink cartoon about the modern birds and bees, drawn by cartoonist Elmer Atkins Original art signed "Atkins". Red and blue ink notations in unknown hand, black ink stamps and green adhesive labels on verso.
Price: $120.00