Price: $750.00
BYRON R. WHITE. Supreme Court Card signed: "Byron R.
White", 4x3. Imprinted: "Supreme Court of the United
States/Washington 25, D.C." Byron R. White (1917-2002), a member of the
College Football Hall of Fame, served as Associate Justice of the
Supreme Court from 1962-1993. White, who was appointed to the Supreme Court
by President John F. Kennedy, proved to be far more conservative than most
Democrats. Fearing that criminals released on technicalities would repeat their
crimes, he dissented in Miranda vs. Arizona (1966), the ruling that
required police to read a suspect his rights before questioning. White also
believed that laws should be changed through the political arena rather than in
the courts and was therefore reluctant to overturn existing laws. However, he
helped assure that each individual's views would be weighed equally by
supporting the "one man, one vote" form of legislative reapportionment (1964).
Throughout his career, White consistently opposed laws discriminating against
women, children and Blacks, and he supported (from 1976) the death penalty in
extreme cases. Slightly soiled, not at signature. Fine condition. Framed in
the Gallery of History style: 21x16.
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