Sale Price $250.00
Reg. $320.00
AUGUSTIN DALY. ALS: "Augustin Daly", 1p, 5x6¾. London,
1894 April 19. On letterhead of Daly's Theatre to "Dear Mr
[illegible]". In full: "Mr [illegible] has charge of all
the printing for the [illegible]. Very truly". American theatrical
manager and dramatist Augustin Daly (1838-1899) is best known as the
operator of Daly's Theatre on Broadway, where he presented noted productions
of Shakespearean comedies. Daly, who was a drama critic for several New York
City newspapers from 1859, had made his debut as a manager with his
melodrama, Under the Gaslight, his first play that was not an adaptation
of another work. Daly, who also adopted plays from French and German, opened
his first theater in 1869, and he would reign as the "autocrat of the
stage" for some thirty years in both New York and London. A strict
disciplinarian who set high standards of production for his "company of
stars", which included John Drew, Clara Morris and Ada Rehan, Daly was a
biographer as well as a playwright. Lightly creased with fold, not at signature.
Minor ink transference at blank area beneath two words. Fine
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