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Signed letter of the American poet, author of The Undersea Farmer. A rare signature! Typed letter signed: "Barbara Howes", in green ink, 1 page, 7¼x10½. North Pownal, Vermont, August 18, 1981. On her personal letterhead, to "Dear Mrs.…"

Sale Price $175.00

Reg. $220.00

Condition: Slightly creased Add to watchlist:
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Signed letter of the American poet, author of The Undersea Farmer. A rare signature!
Typed letter signed: "Barbara Howes", in green ink, 1 page, 7¼x10½. North Pownal, Vermont, August 18, 1981. On her personal letterhead, to "Dear Mrs. Searle", in full: "Thank you for including me in this Christmas volume for your daughter. I don't like just putting down a few lines from a poem; that is after not the poem, so I've written out two here, more than you wanted, but you can choose between or whatever. I was going to add a third, a recent number, but after all, I do not want to deluge you with my efforts. As your daughter will know, the 1st is in the old French form of the rondeau; 'Early Supper' a triolet. I should have added something in free verse, but as I said, should spare you. With best wishes to you both, and the hope the 'postal service' does not see fit to treat this as spaghetti. Sincerely yours,." Barbara Howes (1914-1996) was an American poet, author of the books The Undersea Farmer (1948), In the Cold Country (1954) and Looking up at Leaves. Her fiction includes 23 Modern Stories (1963) and Gregory Jay Smith (1970). Also an editor, she edited The Eye of the Heart: Short Stories from Latin America. Her collection The Collected Poems of Barbara Howes 1945-1990 was nominated for the 1995 National Book Award. Normal mailing folds. Slightly creased. Otherwise, fine condition.

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