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The Brigadier General Perico A Perez writes an urgent letter to friend Lafarlade to communicate him the gradual recovery of his health and requesting him to give information about an agreement made and referring to the tons of armament expected for the revolution Autograph Letter Signed: "…"

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The Brigadier General Perico A Perez writes an urgent letter to friend Lafarlade to communicate him the gradual recovery of his health and requesting him to give information about an agreement made and referring to the tons of armament expected for the revolution
Autograph Letter Signed: "P.A. Perez"and"Perez"in iron gall ink. 9¾x8. 4 pages. Fully Translated in English: "Limones, September 14, 1896. My distinguished friend E. Lafarlade: I wish you are doing fine, I am recovering from my very serious condition, I even thought I was not going to be able to write you again. Emilio: In order to please General Garcia it is necessary that you tell him what you have agreed with the Hasudados regarding the payment amounts that they will make for the conservation of their bottles, because General Nudiso wishes to know what they agreed and he wishes the Delegate Tomas Estrada Palma or Neuyar to do it in order to avoid inconveniences. I also hope my dear friend that you write to me and tell me what is what you have agreed so I as Chief of the Division can inform General Garcia, because he ordered me to do so, but I couldn't replied due to my illness. Tell me what is the mood of the owners of Yuguinos, if they are going to bother or not, and let's share that with Garcia as well because he gets really happy with those news, try to see Brigadier Martinez because he will inform you about the disembarkations and the plenty of arms that will be given to this Division. If you want you can send me all your assignments with the messenger. Without any other thing to discuss, your friend. P.A. Perez. P.S. I hope you reply to me with urgency. Perez." Perico A Perez was a Brigadier General whoserved in the Cuban Army in the Cuban War of Independence (1895-1898); he is best known for his successful leadership of a 1,000-man cavalry who defeated Spanish Colonel Cosch on April 16 and April 18 at Sabana de Jaibo. Signer merits further research. Sealed. Toned and soiled. Edges frayed. Moth marked. 2-inch orange moldy stains on front and verso. Multiple mailing folds. Otherwise, fine condition.

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