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He replies to an autograph request. Typed Letter signed: "Carl Laemmle" as President of Universal Pictures, 1 page, 8½x8½. New York, N.Y., 1933 August 8. On company letterhead to Lester Gassman, Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Price: $600.00

Condition: Lightly soiled Add to watchlist:
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He replies to an autograph request.
Typed Letter signed: "Carl Laemmle" as President of Universal Pictures, 1 page, 8½x8½. New York, N.Y., 1933 August 8. On company letterhead to Lester Gassman, Atlantic City, New Jersey. In full: "Your letter of August 4th has come to my attention. I am complimented by your request for my autograph and have placed my signature on both cards which you enclosed. [Cards not included.] Cordially". CARL LAEMMLE, SR.(1867-1939), a German immigrant who started in Chicago building nickelodeons, busted the film "Trust" system by independently joining with others. He created the star system and founded Universal Pictures in 1912. Circa 1915, Laemmle built his Universal City on 230 acres in north Los Angeles, which became the first municipality devoted to the manufacture of films. Over the years he was known for producing quality films and stars. Lower left corner missing. Mounting tape remnants at other three corners. Fold touches "l" of Carl. Lightly soiled. Otherwise, fine condition.

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