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Carl Sandburg signs a First Day Cover in the Abraham Lincoln Sesquicentennial Series. First Day Cover signed: "Carl Sandburg", 6½x3½. First Day Cover in the Abraham Lincoln Sesquicentennial Series, 4-cent stamp affixed, postmarked Washington, D.C.

Price: $800.00

Condition: Slightly soiled, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Carl Sandburg signs a First Day Cover in the Abraham Lincoln Sesquicentennial Series.
First Day Cover signed: "Carl Sandburg", 6½x3½. First Day Cover in the Abraham Lincoln Sesquicentennial Series, 4-cent stamp affixed, postmarked Washington, D.C., May 30, 1959, FIRST DAY OF ISSUE. American poet and historian Carl Sandburg (1878-1967) signed this FDC 20 years after he had published Abraham Lincoln: The War Years(4 vols., 1939), part two of his biographical epic on Lincoln, whom he greatly admired. Sandburg, who won the Pulitzer Prize in History (1940) for this work, had previously published Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years(2 vols., 1926). He had published his first book of poetry, Chicago Poems, in 1916 while working as a newspaper reporter.  Sandburg, who continued to publish poetry while writing the Lincoln biographies, won another Pulitzer Prize in 1951 for Complete Poems (1950). He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1964. Lightly rippled. Slightly soiled. Fine condition. Framed to an overall size of 21x21¾.

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