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After a "double soaking at the launch", the English actor must postpone a rendezvous. Autograph Letter signed: "C. M. Young", 1 page, 3½x4½, affixed to an 8x5½ sheet (2 surfaces). 126 Picadilly [London], no date.

Price: $200.00

Condition: Lightly creased, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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After a "double soaking at the launch", the English actor must postpone a rendezvous.
Autograph Letter signed: "C. M. Young", 1 page, 3½x4½, affixed to an 8x5½ sheet (2 surfaces). 126 Picadilly [London], no date. To "Dear Madam", in full: "I shall have much pleasure in waiting on you next Wednesday (i. e. 7/30) at ½ past 7 o'clock. I am returned so jaded from the double soaking at the Launch today that I fear I shall not be able to sally forth tonight. I am dear Madam your obliged servant". English actor Charles Mayne Young (1777-1856) made his first stage appearance in Liverpool in 1798. He did not perform in London until 1807, but debuted in the title role as Hamlet. He was considered England's foremost tragedian until the arrival of Charles Kean and William Macready, but he also had a talent for comedy. He made his first stage appearance with Italian beauty Julia Ann Grimani in The Belle's Strategy (1803), and married her in 1805. His wife died one year later, and Young grieved for her the rest of his life, never remarrying. Their son, Julian, became an Anglican priest and wrote a memoir of his father. Charles Mayne Young made his farewell stage appearance in his seasoned role as Hamlet (1832). One horizontal fold. Lightly creased. Pencil note (unknown hand) at bottom edge (barely visible). Otherwise, fine condition.

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