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5x7 color image of the key advisor to Democratic Presidents from Truman to Carter. Inscribed Photograph signed: "To Douglas G. Voegler/with best wishes/Clark M. Clifford". Color, 5x7.

Sale Price $215.00

Reg. $260.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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5x7 color image of the key advisor to Democratic Presidents from Truman to Carter.
Inscribed Photograph signed: "To Douglas G. Voegler/with best wishes/Clark M. Clifford". Color, 5x7. Clark Clifford (1906-1998) was White House Counsel to President Truman, and a key architect of Truman's upset re-election victory in 1948. He advised Truman to promote civil rights, even at the risk of splitting the Democratic Party, and to recognize the new State of Israel, over the opposition of Secretary of State George Marshal. Clifford played an important role in reconciling Truman to the Presidential candidacy of John F. Kennedy, and was part of JFK's transition team. He chaired the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. In 1968, Clifford replaced Robert McNamara as Secretary of Defense. Initially regarded as a "hawk" who would not share McNamara's growing reluctance to pursue the Vietnam War, Clifford privately advised President Johnson to begin withdrawing US forces and begin peace negotiations. Clifford served as President Carter's special emissary to India in 1980. Clifford's reputation was sullied in the 1990s by his profitable financial connections with the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), found to be involved in money laundering, bribery, illicit arms transfers, and many other shady enterprises. Clifford pleaded ignorance of these misdeeds, but might have been indicted if not for his failing health. Fine condition.

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