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James Irwin signs a commemorative envelope honoring the Apollo 15 astronauts visiting the United Nations. Commemorative envelope signed: "Jim Irwin", 6½x3½ with b/w 2x2½photograph attached at left (two surfaces).

Price: $350.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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James Irwin signs a commemorative envelope honoring the Apollo 15 astronauts visiting the United Nations.
Commemorative envelope signed: "Jim Irwin", 6½x3½ with b/w 2x2½photograph attached at left (two surfaces). Postmarked New York, New York, August 24, 1971, 8-cent stamp affixed. Air Force test pilot James Benson "Jim" Irwin (1930-1991) was an Air Force Colonel when he was selected by NASA as one of 19 astronauts in April 1966. Irwin was on the support crew of Apollo 10 and was the backup lunar module pilot for Apollo 12 before making his historic journey to the Moon on Apollo 15, which was launched on July 26, 1971. The Apollo 15 mission, whose lunar module, Falcon, landed on the Moon on July 30th, was the first designed to explore the Moon over longer periods, greater ranges and with more instruments for the collection of scientific data than previous missions. To accomplish these goals, the mission included the introduction of a $40 million lunar roving vehicle, which reached a top speed of 10 mph across the Moon's surface. Irwin, who was the lunar module pilot, and astronaut Dave R. Scott, who was the Commander of the mission, rode over 17 miles on the Moon as command module pilot Alfred M. Worden orbited in the Endeavor. Their lunar liftoff on August 2nd was the first to be televised. Apollo 15 returned to Earth on August 7, 1971. Irwin, who was one of only 12 astronauts to have walked on the Moon and one of the first of six to have also ridden on the Moon, retired from NASA and the Air Force in 1972 to form a religious organization, the High Flight Foundation, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He died of a heart attack on August 8, 1991. Lightly worn at edges. White sticker at lower right. Fine condition.

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