Notorious & Crime | Sentiments
Top Signers
MAJOR GENERAL WILLIAM W. BELKNAP - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 268126He signs a short sentiment on a 3¾x1¾ lined sheet. Autograph Sentiment signed: "Yours Very Respectfully -/Wm. W. Belknap/Bvt Maj. Genl. Vols.", 3¾x1¾ lined sheet, cut from letter.
Sale Price $187.00
JILL BENNETT - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 160625Card signed with her best wishes Autograph Sentiment signed: "Best Wishes/Jill Bennett", 5½x1¾ card. English actress Jill Bennett (1931-1990) was best known for her stage work, but she also appeared in several films, beginning with Moulin Rouge (1952) and on TV dramas.
Price: $90.00
JAY COOKE - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 23316The American financier signs "For Autographic Purposes only" on this 3½x2 card Autograph Sentiment signed: "For Autographic/Purposes only/Jay Cooke", 3½x2 card.
Sale Price $340.00
JAY COOKE - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 81314The American financier pens a sentiment regarding a received letter Autograph Sentiment Signed: "Your letter of 10th inst/is rec'd/Jay Cooke". 4½x2¾ card.
Sale Price $340.00
JAY COOKE - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 86936Special PriceThe financier whose company's failure was responsible for the Panic of 1873 penned a sentiment on this 5½x2½ card Autograph Sentiment Signed: "Jay Cooke" beneath closing of letter in another hand: "Sincerely yours", 5½x2½.
Sale Price $300.00
RICKY FEACHER - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 343976The Cleveland Browns wide receiver signs his name and number with "best wishes" Autograph sentiment signed: "Best Wishes/Ricky Feacher/#83" in black ink. 5x3. Richard Feacher (b. 1954) is a former professional American football wide receiver.
Price: $90.00
EDWIN FORREST - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 19637Slip of paper signed "Yours Sincerely" by actor Edwin Forrest, whose rivalry with English actor William MacReady caused New York City's Astor Place riot of 1849. Affixed to a small card. Autograph sentiment signed "Yours Sincerely,/Edwin Forrest".
Sale Price $180.00
EDWIN FORREST - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 304605The controversial actor pens a sentiment Autograph Sentiment signed: "Truly/Edwin Forrest", 4½x2¼ card, affixed to a 7½x4¾ sheet.
Sale Price $180.00
CARL "SKOONJ" FURILLO - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 124919Carl Furillo signs an index card in blue ink. Autograph sentiment signed: "Best Wishes/Carl Furillo", 5x3 index card. Carl Furillo had his best season in 1953, when he hit .344 to win the NL batting title.
Price: $90.00
SIR EUGENE GOOSSENS - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED 6/1935 - HFSID 224558The classical conductor and composer for the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra signs his name under an affixed black and white, 3½x5½ newspaper photo Autograph sentiment signed: "for Kenneth Kendall//Sincerely/Eugene Goossens/Cincinnati/June/'35".
Sale Price $180.00
ESTELLE GRANE - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 343916The two last residents of the town of Mercur, Utah sign their names on this slip of paper Autograph sentiment signed: "Best Regards:/HL Grane/Estelle Elisabeth Dower Grane" in blue ink. 6½x1¾.
Price: $90.00
MAL HALLETT - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED 1939 - HFSID 321681The bandleader and jazz musician signs with "Best luck" and dates it for 1939 Autograph sentiment signed: "Best luck/Mal/Hallett/1939", in blue ink, 5¼x4½. Mal Hallett (1893-1952) was an American bandleader and jazz violinist.
Price: $160.00
JULIAN HAWTHORNE - TYPED SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 157477Typed sentiment by the prolific author Typed Sentiment signed: "Sincerely yours,/Julian Hawthorne", 4¼x1½ slip. Julian Hawthorne (1846-1934) was the son of novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne (and brother-in-law of George P.
Price: $180.00
JULIAN HAWTHORNE - TYPED SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 223509Typed sentiment by the author and son of novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne. Typed Sentiment signed: "Sincerely yours,/Julian Hawthorne", 5x1½ slip, affixed to a 7x5½ piece of paper (2 surfaces).
Price: $180.00
E. HOWARD HUNT - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT UNSIGNED - HFSID 176766Unsigned autograph sentiment on a 5x3 card: "one is enough" Autograph Sentiment, unsigned: "One is enough", 5 x 3. Former CIA operative E.
Price: $120.00
PAUL KELLY - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 19936Each signs an autograph sentiment, on opposite sides of an album leaf. Autograph Sentiment signed: "Sincerely/Paul Kelly", 6x4½ album leaf. Also signed on verso: "Sincerely/Mary Boland".
Price: $160.00
EGON KRENZ - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED 03/25/1991 - HFSID 171994East Germany's last communist leader signs with good wishes on a 6¼x3¼ card. Autograph sentiment signed: [in German, translated] "With many good wishes/Egon Krenz/25.3.91" in blue ink, 6¼x3¼ card. Signed March 25, 1991. Egon Krenz (b.
Sale Price $144.00
MAX LERNER - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 131850The controversial journalist and author offers his best wishes, signs name in red ink Autograph sentiment signed: "With my best regards/ Max Lerner" in red ink. 5x3 card.
Price: $90.00
AIMI MacDONALD - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 160404The Scottish actress extends best wishes on a slip with a magazine photo attached. Autograph Sentiment signed: "Best Wishes/Aimi MacDonald", 5x3½ card. Magazine photo affixed at left edge. Scottish dancer and actress Aimi MacDonald (b.
Price: $90.00
JOHN MCCULLOUGH - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED 12/13 - HFSID 40133A rare signature from the Shakespearean actor, signed "Very truly yours" Autograph sentiment signed: "Baltimore/Dec. 13/Very truly yours/John McCullough", in black ink, 4¾x3. John McCullough (1832-1885) was an Irish born American actor, moving to America at the age of 16.
Price: $160.00
EDWARD MEZVINSKY - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 214787In happier days, he signed this this handwritten note on his Congressional paper. Autograph Note signed: "Best Wishes/Edward Mezvinsky/M.C. Iowa", 1 page, 6x9. On his personal Congressional letterhead. Democrat Edward Mezvinsky (b.
Sale Price $90.00
BILL MOYERS - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 222176His handwritten sentiment in black felt tip Autograph Sentiment signed: "With best regards/Bill Moyers", in black felt tip, 5x3 card. A former print journalist and Press Secretary to President Lyndon B. Johnson, Bill Moyers (b. 1934) was the publisher of "Newsday" from 1967-1970.
Price: $80.00
ROSE PAGET MCLAREN - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 141959She signs a brief autograph note with her maiden name (Rose Paget). Autograph Note signed: "In gratitude for an ideal/welcome/Rose Paget", 1 page, 5½x8½. Lady Rose McLaren (1919-2005) was born Ruth Paget in an aristocratic British family.
Price: $90.00
WESTBROOK PEGLER - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 176397Small card signed with columnist Westbrook Pegler's "Best wishes" Autograph sentiment signed "Best wishes/Westbrook Pegler" in blue ink. 5¼x3¼ card.
Price: $100.00
RANDY QUAID - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 346896The actor signs his name along with a sentiment on this index card Autograph Sentiment signed: "God Bless!/ Randy Quaid" in blue ink, 5x3. Randy Quaid (b. 1950) is an American actor with over 110 movies and TV shows to his credit.
Price: $80.00
GEORGE RAFT - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 145311George Raft signs a card with an autograph sentiment in blue ink. Autograph sentiment signed: "My Best/George Raft", 4¾x3 card. Actor George Raft (1895-1980), best known for his tough-guy roles, frequently played gangsters.
Price: $140.00
THOMAS D. RICE - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED 1839 - HFSID 160762Clipped signature of the actor who performed in blackface as "Jim Crow" Autograph Sentiment signed: "Yr Obdt Svt/Tho. D. Rice/1839", 4½x2 affixed to slightly larger sheet. Clipped from a letter. Ink note (unknown hand): 1860.
Sale Price $144.00
ADELE RITCHIE - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED CIRCA 1906 - HFSID 142463The vaudeville star known for her musical comic roles signs her name on this 4x2¾ card Autograph sentiment signed: "Very Truly/Adele Ritchie" in black ink. 4x2¾.
Price: $200.00
PETE ROSE - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 68214Pete Rose signs an index card Autograph Sentiment signed: "Best Wishes/Pete Rose", 5x3 card. Pete Rose, born in 1941, is major league baseball's career leader in hits (4,256), singles, at bats and games played, had more than 200 hits in a season ten times.
Price: $90.00
DOROTHY RUSSELL - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT ON CALLING CARD SIGNED - HFSID 171709The notorious daughter of celebrated diva Lillian Russell pens a sentiment on her calling card. An extremely rare signature! Autograph Sentiment on Calling Card signed: "Very Cordially/Dorothy Russell", 3¼x2¼. Printed name on verso, "Miss Dorothy Russell".
Price: $200.00