Sale Price $165.00
Reg. $200.00
Botanist Daniel Cady Eaton, one of the first professors of botany in
the U. S., wrote this letter to his father, Major General Amos Beebe Eaton, from
New Haven, Connecticut in 1870. In it, he talked about his family.
Autograph letter signed "Daniel". 3 pages, 5x8, 1 sheet
folded, front and verso. New Haven, Connecticut, Feb. 12, 1870. In full:
"My dear Father- Many thanks for getting one the postal currency; it is
almost impossible to get any but the raggedest and dirtyest [sic] sort
here- Carrie continues pretty well, though as I had anticipated her trip to New
York undid two or three weeks gain in health & strength- It is almost
impossible to prevent her from going except by the exercise of an authority
which I am extremely unwilling to employ- Mrs Ketcham & one of Carrie's
cousin- Miss Anne Thompson,from Maryland, are with us this week- So far the New
York efforts have secured only fourteen thousand dollars- Every one thinks that
other men ought to sustain the school liberally- Bessy is a very nice
child & is perfectly well at present- I hope Nelly is now feeling much
better-& has no headache or tooth ache to worry her- Yesterday my fourteen
hens laid just fourteen eggs- Very affectionate your son-".Daniel'sfather AMOS BEEBE EATON (1806-1877) was made
Commissary General of the U. S. Army upon Brigadier General Joseph P.
Taylor's retirement in 1864 and was brevetted a Major General on March 13,
1865. DANIEL CADY EATON (1834-1895) was one of the first professors of
botany in the U. S., as well as Curator of the Yale Herbarium for 31 years.
His books include the two-volume Ferns of North America. Eaton
contributed botanical accounts to a number of geological surveys, as
well. These included the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey (1848-1855),
which set the border between the U. S. and Mexico after the Mexican-American
War; Clarence King's Geological Survey (1867-1873), conducted in a 100-mile
strip of land along that parallel between California and Wyoming; the
Geographical Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian, conducted by George
Wheeler; and the Geological Survey of California. Lightly toned, stained and
creased. Show-through and ink transference touches signature and body of letter.
Spine is lightly discolored. Random ink stains. Folded twice and unfolded.
Otherwise in fine condition.
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