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B/w, 5x7 photograph of the multitalented actor and song and dance man turning to his left and smiling for the camera Inscribed photograph signed: "Thanks and/Best to Jae/from/Eddie Foy Jr.", B/w 5x7. Eddie Foy Jr. (1905-1983) was born Edwin Fitzgerald Foy, Jr.

Sale Price $250.00

Reg. $320.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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B/w, 5x7 photograph of the multitalented actor and song and dance man turning to his left and smiling for the camera
Inscribed photograph signed: "Thanks and/Best to Jae/from/Eddie Foy Jr.", B/w 5x7. Eddie Foy Jr. (1905-1983) was born Edwin Fitzgerald Foy, Jr. (after his famous vaudevillian and actor father) in New Rochelle, New York. He began his entertainment career in vaudeville with his father and six brothers and sisters as The Seven Little Foys and was the only one to remain in show business beyond childhood. He was the second youngest member of The Seven Little Foys and is the family member who is best remembered for his screen performances, although his sister, Mary Foy (1901-1987), also appeared in films during the 1920s and 1930s. His father, Eddie Foy, Sr. (1856-1928) had incorporated his offspring into his vaudeville act following the death of his wife, and Eddie, Jr., a dead ringer for his famous dad, accepted an offer from Broadway impersario Florenz Ziegfeld to appear in 1929's Show Girl, butbroke into movies 15 years earlier in the Seven Little Foys movie A Favorite Fool (1915). The multitalented actor and song and dance man was nominated for the 1958 Tony Award as Best Actor (Musical) for Rumple. He had previously appeared on Broadway in The Pajama Game (1954), recreating his role for the 1957 film version. In all, he has over 70 movies and TV shows and 10 Broadway musicals and comedies to his credit. Among these are starring in the original 1961 production of Donnybrook! and the first hour-long sitcom, Fair Exchange (1962-1963), as well as portraying his father in four movies, Frontier Marshall (1939), Lillian Russell (1940), Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942) and a 1964 TV movie about his family's early days in vaudeville called Wilson. Creased at top left, top right and bottom left corners. Otherwise, fine condition. 

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