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Typed DS: "Edmond OBrien" as Artist on last page, 4p, 8½x11. Los Angeles, California, 1971 August 15. Contract between O'Brien and Paul Kohner, his agent, for Kohner to represent O'Brien at a 10% commission for a period of one year, beginning on August 16, 1971.

Price: $380.00

Condition: Lightly creased, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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EDMOND O'BRIEN. Typed DS: "Edmond OBrien" as Artist on last page, 4p, 8½x11. Los Angeles, California, 1971 August 15. Contract between O'Brien and Paul Kohner, his agent, for Kohner to represent O'Brien at a 10% commission for a period of one year, beginning on August 16, 1971. Also signed by a Vice President of Paul Kohner, Inc. Edmond O'Brien (1915-1985), an aspiring magician, made his Broadway debut at the age of 21 in Daughters of Atrus and was signed by RKO Pictures in 1939. O'Brien, who won the Best Supporting Actor Academy Award in 1954 (The Barefoot Contessa) and was nominated for the same award in 1964 (Seven Days in May), appeared in a number of feature films, including The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939), Winged Victory (1944), D.O.A. (1949), The Greatest Show on Earth (1952), Julius Caesar (1953), Pete Kelly's Blues (1955), 1984 (1956), Stopover Tokyo (1957), Up Periscope (1959), The Great Imposter (1961), The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The Longest Day and The Birdman of Alcatraz (all 1962) and Fantastic Voyage (1966). He also starred in a number of made-for-television movies, appeared on two series, Sam Benedict and The Long Hot Summer, and was a guest star on Playhouse 90 and Mission Impossible. O'Brien, who was cast in the Lowell Thomas role in Lawrence of Arabia, suffered a heart seizure during the filming in 1961, resulting in him being replaced with Arthur Kennedy. Lightly creased. Fine condition.

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