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The author signs his name on this 3x1½ card, dated in 1950 Signature: "Edmund Blunden/ Dec 6, 1950", in black ink, 3x1½ card.

Price: $80.00

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The author signs his name on this 3x1½ card, dated in 1950
Signature: "Edmund Blunden/ Dec 6, 1950", in black ink, 3x1½ card. Edmund Charles Blunden, MC (1896 -1974) was an English poet, author and critic who wrote mainly of his experiences in World War I in both verse and prose. In August 1915 Blunden was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Royal Sussex Regiment, taking part in the actions at Ypres and the Somme, and receiving the Military Cross in the process. Blunden left the army in 1919 and took up the scholarship at Oxford that he had won while still at school but Blunden found university life unsatisfactory and left to take up a literary career. In 1920 Blunden published a collection of poems, The Waggoner. Blunden's next book of poems, The Shepherd, published in 1922 won the Hawthornden Prize, but his poetry, though well reviewed, did not provide enough to live on. He finalized his career as Professor of Poetry at the University of Oxford. He died of a heart attack at his home in Long Melford, Suffolk, on January 20 1974, and is buried in the churchyard of Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford. Toned. Ink lightly faded (legible). Fine condition.

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