Sale Price $250.00
Reg. $320.00
Black and white 5x7 photograph of the actor from the waist up in a
suit and tie.
Photograph signed: "Edward/Arnold". B/w, 5x7. Edward Arnold
(1890-1956) moved from the stage, and bit parts in silent movies, to
starring film roles, beginning with Diamond Jim (1935). He abandoned
efforts to lose weight after deciding that his girth increased his prospects for
getting character roles. A favorite of director Frank Capra, he played a corrupt
boss in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1938) and starred as Daniel Webster
in The Devil and Daniel Webster (1941). A staunch conservative who
considered running for the Senate as a Republican, Arnold nevertheless worked
hard as President of the Screen Actors Guild to protect fellow actors
from excesses of the McCarthy era. Vintage photo. Fine
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