Price: $220.00
The British poet pens this letter regarding her poem, "In Adversity" for a fan in which
she includes a signed copy of a new poem
Combination: 1) Autograph letter signed: "Elizabeth Steer" in black ink. 5¼x7. August 31,
1949, Southsea, England. To: "Dear Mr. Gwen", in full: "Thank you for your letter. It came
while I was away from home & was waiting for me on my return, so I know you will understand
why I have been so long in answering it. It has made me very happy to know that you like my
poem 'In Adversity'. The joy of writing my simple poems is very great. I send my autograph with
pleasure but I can't send you a photograph as I have not had one taken for many years. In place of
a photograph I am enclosing a poem written a week or two ago & I have signed it. I hope you will
like it. In the poem 'In Adversity,' in the third line of the third verse, the word what was
substituted in error for wait. The line should be 'Wait for my sweet consolation', I was sorry to see
the mistake. Thank you for your kind offer of help, did you mean in connection with my writing?
Yours Sincerely." Lightly toned. Paperclip marks in upper and bottom left corners. Horizontal
crease across center. Otherwise, fine condition. 2) Poem Signed: "Elizabeth Steer" in black
ink, 8x10. Titled The Kingdom of God.
“The briar-filled way to the kingdom
Is never the only way
The ways that are dark and stony
Do not come every day.
To those who live well god's Kingdom
Will come the days bleak and cold,
When we feel we are walking forsaken,
And grope for his Hand to hold.
But birds, and flowers and sunshine,
And the warm life-giving air,
And laughter, and joy, and pleasure,
And scenes that are glad and fair-
All these things guide to the Kingdom,
And love and friendship and song,
And he sheds the light of His Presence
As he tenderly leads us along.
Two ways lead to the Kingdom-
And our loving Lord is our guide
Through light, or darkness and sorrow,
Along pathways narrow or wide.
But He asks us to walk rejoicing
The paths He Himself hath trod:
Light and joy, or darkness and sorrow
Will lead to the Kingdom of God.”
Normal mailing folds. Rust stain at top left corner. Otherwise, fine condition. Elizabeth Steer
was a British writer. She was known for her poem, "In Adversity." Signer merits further
research. Two Items.
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