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The French priest and philosopher sends gracious note of thanks to a friend, signs name in black ink Autograph letter signed: "Ernest Dimnet" in black ink. 2 pages front and verso, 5¼x7¼ folded. Written on French Transatlantic Line letterhead.

Sale Price $325.00

Reg. $400.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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The French priest and philosopher sends gracious note of thanks to a friend, signs name in black ink
Autograph letter signed: "Ernest Dimnet" in black ink. 2 pages front and verso, 5¼x7¼ folded. Written on French Transatlantic Line letterhead. Original envelope included. October 27, no year. Addressed to Mrs. J. Wainwright, in full: "My very dear Friend, Could anybody ever equal you in thoughtfulness? Do what one may there is our kindness alert and wide awake. You are pretty wonderful not only as a friend like myself can and ought to know, but as casual observers like Mrs. Cuddity or Simon and Schuseter realize at once. Many thanks! I wish you did not live in Scranton or I in Paris. I have the laurels and, of course, the book for Grosvenor and I shall beckon him as soon as I return from Triton. What a joy that the boy is such a success! Give my bet wishes to Dr. Wainwright, Talcott and Ruth. You have my most heartfelt. Affectionately yours,". Post script: "I love Mr. Timothy's and Miss Fowler and the "cupboard"'s and I sold 650 Monday and Tuesday before I sailed. Watch T.O. the Digest for three columns in "Personal Glimpses"". Ernest Dimnet (1866-1954) was a French cleric, author and philosopher. His best known work, The Art of Thinking (1930) invites the reader into a state of honesty where he evaluates himself as a thoughtful human being, for humans too often only "think of thinking" instead of actually thinking, which obstructs production of any original thought. Dimnet is also well regarded for his books, What We Live By (1932) and for his popular French translations of English books written by Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bronte. Normal mailing folds. Toned. Corners rounded. Light surface creases. Otherwise, fine condition.

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