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For an article he wrote featuring art by Luis Quintanilla, Hemingway pencils short notes on a magazine page, describing Quintanilla as, "My best friend in Spain." Autograph Note unsigned, 1p, 10x14.

Sale Price $2,395.00

Reg. $2,800.00

Condition: Lightly soiled, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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For an article he wrote featuring art by Luis Quintanilla, Hemingway pencils short notes on a magazine page, describing Quintanilla as, "My best friend in Spain."
Autograph Note unsigned, 1p, 10x14. On a magazine page: "This guy [the artist who drew the pictures] is my best friend in Spain. We got him out of jail by the way." at upper right margin and "They cut out my lead to make room for the pictures." at right margin above article. Circa 1935. Page 26 from an "Esquire" magazine that features two drawings and the beginning of an article written by Hemingway. In the 1930s, American novelist and short story writer Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), who was a frequent contributor to "Esquire", wrote a series of 31 "letters" for the magazine. In this article, he writes about the growing tensions that would result in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Hemingway, who supported the Loyalist side and served as a war correspondent during that war (1937), used his experiences as the background for his most ambitious novel, For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940). In 1953, Hemingway, the author of such works as The Sun Also Rises (1926), A Farewell To Arms (1929) and The Green Hills of Africa (1935), was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction for The Old Man and the Sea, which he had first outlined in "Esquire" in 1936! Hemingway received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. Right margin, which is lightly soiled, is torn at lower portion and chipped at upper right. Creased from folds. Lightly toned. Otherwise, fine condition.

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