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The English author insists that his article be printed without any changes. Autograph Letter signed: "E. Temple Thurston", 2 pages (front and verso), 4½x7. London, 1921 June 1.

Price: $320.00

Condition: Slightly creased, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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The English author insists that his article be printed without any changes.
Autograph Letter signed: "E. Temple Thurston", 2 pages (front and verso), 4½x7. London, 1921 June 1. On letterhead of the Royal Automobile Club to "Dear Sir", in full: "I enclose my article on 'The Future of the Novel'. I hope you will print it as written. If used as an interview - which seems to me rather difficult - I would request that nothing be omitted as the sequence would be broken. If you cannot strictly adhere to this, please return the M.S. to my home address: Goddards Green, Cranbrook, Kent. Yours truly". English poet, playwright and novelist Ernest Temple Thurston (1879-1933) wrote 40 books, 17 of which were made into films; and several plays, three performed on Broadway and 4 made into films. His best known novel, The City of Beautiful Nonsense (1909), was made into two films (silent and sound). His best known play, The Wandering Jew (1921), also spawned silent and talking movies. A subsequent letter from Thurston, not included here, angrily rebuked this editor for not printing the article exactly as written, as he had insisted. Normal mailing fold. Lightly worn. Slightly creased. Otherwise, fine condition.

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