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The author signs the complete text of his short story, "The Cold Winter". Typescript signed: "Erskine Caldwell" on last page, 5p, 8½x11, separate sheets. Headed: "1/The Cold Winter".

Sale Price $215.00

Reg. $260.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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The author signs the complete text of his short story, "The Cold Winter".
Typescript signed: "Erskine Caldwell" on last page, 5p, 8½x11, separate sheets. Headed: "1/The Cold Winter". Complete text of his short story, "The Cold Winter", which was published in "Story" on December 29, 1934. "The Cold Winter" was later published in a compilation of Caldwell's work, Kneel to the Rising Sun: And Other Stories (1935). The writer of 25 novels, 150 short stories and 12 non-fiction books, Erskine Caldwell (1903-1987) is best known for his depictions of poverty-stricken blacks and whites in the South. His 1932 novel, Tobacco Road (1932), became a long-running Broadway play, and his 1933 book, God's Little Acre, sold over 14 million copies; both were made into films. In all, the prolific author sold some 80 million copies of his works in 43 languages! On thin paper. Last page has 2 horizontal folds, not at signature. Pencil note (unknown hand) shows through at upper right margin of signature page, which has pinhead-size smudge at last letter of first line. Fine condition.

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