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TLS: "Eugene McCarthy" as U.S. Senator, 1p, 8x10½. United States Senate, 1962 March 27. To Mr. Leslie W. Dunbar, Executive Director, Southern Regional Council, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia.

Price: $240.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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EUGENE J. McCARTHY. TLS: "Eugene McCarthy" as U.S. Senator, 1p, 8x10½. United States Senate, 1962 March 27. To Mr. Leslie W. Dunbar, Executive Director, Southern Regional Council, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia. In full: "I have received your letter of March 23 and the attached copy of Executive Support of Civil Rights. You and your organization are to be congratulated for the positive steps you have taken to secure equal rights and opportunities for all citizens, as well as visiting diplomats and others from abroad. Please continue your fine work." Written in the midst of the civil rights movement as displays of civil disobedience in honor of civil rights were mounting. McCarthy (1916-2005), U.S. Senator from Minnesota from 1959-1971, later sought the Democratic nomination for President in 1968, running as an anti-Vietnam War candidate. His defeat of President Johnson in the March New Hampshire primary led to New York Senator Robert Kennedy's candidacy and Johnson's decision not to seek reelection on March 31st. At the Democratic National Convention held in Chicago, August 26-29, 1968, incumbent Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey won the presidential nomination on the first ballot with 1,761¾ votes to McCarthy's 601 and South Dakota Senator George McGovern's 67½. At the 1972 Democratic National Convention, McCarthy received two votes; the nomination went to McGovern on the first ballot. Paper clip impression at upper left corner, horizontal fold touches signature. Fine condition.

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