Autographs from people credited in 1939 The Adventures of Jane Arden
RAYMOND BAILEY - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 256690Black and white publicity photograph of Raymond Bailey as Mr. Drysdale from The Beverly Hillbillies. Photograph signed: "Best wishes/Raymond Bailey/'Mr. Drysdale'". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $700.00
MONTE BARRETT - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH 2000 - HFSID 274682This photograph of the boxing heavyweight in the middle of a fight is signed in black felt tip Photograph signed: "Monte Barrett/2000". Color, 8x10. Monte Barrett (b. 1971), a heavyweight boxing contender promoted by Don King, carried a record of 31-5 as of early 2007.
Price: $100.00
MONTE BARRETT - BOOK SIGNED - HFSID 291277Signed vintage copy of his Texas historical novel Sun in Their Eyes Book signed: 6½x8¼, 319 pages. Sun in Their Eyes: a Novel of Texas in 1812, by Monte Barrett. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1944. Texas edition. Publisher's binding and dust jacket.
Price: $160.00
WADE BOTELER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 1941 - HFSID 3002759½x7½ photograph of the actor shown from the shoulders up, a very rare signature Inscribed Photograph Signed: "To/Mrs. Doris Randle/with my best wishes/Wade Boteler/1941". Sepia, 9½x7½.
Sale Price $275.00
HOBART CAVANAUGH - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 313804The film and stage actor pens a short note in black ink. Extremely Rare! Autograph note signed: "To: Le Gusta/Sincerely/Hobart Cavanaugh." 4¾x3. Hobart Cavanaugh (1886-1950) was an American stage and film actor, who was born in Virginia City, Nevada.
Price: $200.00
HOBART CAVANAUGH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 3002805x7 sepia photograph of the seasoned actor shown in a suit and tie. Extremely Rare! Inscribed Photograph Signed: "To Doris/Sincerely/Hobart Cavanaugh." Sepia, 5x7. Hobart Cavanaugh (1886-1950) was an American stage and film actor, who was born in Virginia City, Nevada.
Price: $320.00
WILLIAM GARGAN - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 49586William Gargan signs an album leaf in blue ink. Signature: "William Gargan", 4½x6¾ album leaf. William Gargan (1905-1979, born in Brooklyn, New York) was an Oscar-nominated American actor with over 100 TV shows and movies to his credit between 1928 and 1958.
Price: $140.00
WILLIAM GARGAN - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 12/29/1960 - HFSID 31824Gargan handwrote, signed and dated this letter to a Lou near the end of 1960, shortly after a laryngectomy that ended his career.
Price: $420.00
WILLIAM GARGAN - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 43231William Gargan writes a note on an album leaf to a fan. Autograph Note signed: "To/Jack Jr./Best Wishes/William Gargan", 5¾x4¼ album leaf.
Price: $280.00
WILLIAM GARGAN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 278029B/w photo of Gargan from the neck up in profile, signed "Bill Gargan" in blue ink Inscribed photograph signed: "Mr Smith/Joyous [illegible]/Bill Gargan" in blue ink. With pencil notations in unknown hand on verso.
Sale Price $295.00
WILLIAM GARGAN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH CIRCA 1934 - HFSID 289353Younger image, inscribed in person to collector Saul Goodman Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Saul/Sincerely/William Gargan". B/w, 8x10. Collector's ink stamp on verso dates signature October 1934.
Price: $600.00
WILLIAM GARGAN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 344045The stage and screen actor who played Martin Kane, Private Eye signs this black and white photograph Photograph signed: "Sincerely/William Gargan" in blue ink. 8x10.
Sale Price $315.00
WILLIAM GARGAN - DOCUMENT DOUBLE SIGNED 08/07/1946 - HFSID 289302Consent form authorizing the Motion Picture Relief Fund to reproduce William Gargan's signature and likeness for a series of stamps raising money for needy film industry veterans. The form is signed twice by Gargan, once as an autograph sample and again to grant permission.
Sale Price $595.00
MARK HELLINGER - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED CIRCA 1939 - HFSID 23235Handwritten note on a postcard he has also addressed Autograph Sentiment signed: "Good Luck/Howard/Mark Hellinger", 5½x3¼ postcard. Addressed in unknown hand on verso to Howard Metzger, Greentown, Ohio, postmarked Burbank, California, November 9, 1939.
Price: $160.00
MARK HELLINGER - TYPED LETTER SIGNED CIRCA 1945 - HFSID 40795The journalist writes about a upcoming actor on Daily Mirror letterhead, signs name in pencil Typed letter signed: "Mark" in pencil. 1 page, 8½x9¼. New York, Friday afternoon, no date. On stationery of the newspaper, Daily Mirror, 235 East 45th Street, New York. To Lew.
Price: $220.00
MARK HELLINGER - TYPED NOTE SIGNED 09/14/1934 - HFSID 222264The renowned theatre critic and writer sends letter of thanks to a colleague, signs name in black ink Typed note signed: "Mark Hellinger" in black ink. 1 page, 7¼x10½. Written on personal stationary. New York City, New York. September 14, 1934. Addressed to Leonard L.
Price: $200.00
STUART HOLMES - DOCUMENT SIGNED - HFSID 281872AFTRA membership application signed by veteran actor Stuart Holmes. His career stretched from the silent era to the television era and included roles in almost 500 movies and TV shows. Document signed "Stvart [sic] Holmes" in blue ink.
Sale Price $385.00
JOHN RIDGELY - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 1945 - HFSID 288044Ridgely signs a 5x3 card for a fan, signing "Best Wishes" Autograph note signed: "To Victoria/Best Wishes/Sincerely/John Ridgeley/1945". 5x3 card.. John Ridgeley (1909-1968), known as "Mr. Average Man," was featured mostly in war and other action films.
Price: $160.00
JOHN RIDGELY - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 324106Vintage photograph of the handsome John Ridgeley, inscribed to a fan. Inscribed photograph signed: "To Catherine/Best wihes/Sincerely/John Ridgeley", in black ink, Sepia, 8x10. John Ridgeley (1909-1968), known as "Mr. Average Man," was featured mostly in war and other action films.
Price: $420.00
JOHN RIDGELY - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH CIRCA 1944 - HFSID 22815Inscribed 5x7 sepia photo, arms folded in front of him. An extremely rare signature! Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Dutch/John Ridgeley". Sepia, 5x7. Ink stamp receipt date on verso: August 8, 1944. John Ridgeley (1909-1968), known as "Mr.…"
Sale Price $275.00
JOHN RIDGELY - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 05/11/1945 - HFSID 288034The actor known as "Mr.…"
Sale Price $275.00
BENNY RUBIN - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 43227Handwritten note to "Jack Jr.": "Your Pop was great." Autograph Note signed: "Benny Rubin", 1 page, 4¼x5½. In pencil, in full: "For Jack Jr., Your Pop was great. Hope you live up to his ideals. Sincerely".
Price: $300.00
BENNY RUBIN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 272200Photograph inscribed and signed: "For dear Jim Rogge - with love - from/Benny Rubin". B/w, 10x8. Pictured with Amanda Blake (Miss Kitty) and Milburn Stone (Dr. Galen "Doc" Adams), two of the stars of the long-running TV Western, Gunsmoke.
Price: $320.00
BENNY RUBIN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 05/24/1949 - HFSID 187126Thanking a columnist for a favorable review, after someone mailed many copies of a negative one to his sponsor, closing with a sentiment in Yiddish Typed Letter signed: "Blibe Gezoont [Stay healthy]/Benny", 1 page, 5½x8½. New York, N. Y., 1949 May 24.
Price: $360.00
JAMES STEPHENSON - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 1938 - HFSID 271555Sepia 5x7 image, signed during a busy year in his acting career. Extremely Rare! Photograph inscribed and signed: "For Blane A. Baldwin/with all good wishes/James Stephenson/1938". Sepia, 5x7.
Price: $180.00
JAMES STEPHENSON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH 1938 - HFSID 300310Sepia 5x7 image, signed during a busy year in his acting career. Extremely Rare! Photograph signed: "James Stephenson/1938". Sepia, 5x7.
Price: $280.00
JAMES "JIMMY" VAN HEUSEN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 286879B/w 7 ½x9½ Inscribed Photograph Signed by the four time Academy Award winning composer Inscribed Photograph Signed: "To Angelo Di Iacova, from your friend, James Van Heusen." B/w 7½x9½.
Sale Price $550.00
JAMES "JIMMY" VAN HEUSEN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 250680Black and white publicity photograph of James Van Heusen studying a book. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Judith Anne/Kimmel from James/Van Heusen". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $440.00
JAMES "JIMMY" VAN HEUSEN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 48553Black and white publicity photograph of James Van Heusen wearing a suit and tie. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To John Buchuan/with good wishes,/from/James Van Heusen." B/w, 7x9, by Don Patrick Higgins of Hollywood.
Price: $320.00
JAMES "JIMMY" VAN HEUSEN - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED - HFSID 345160The famous American composer signs this music sheet of the melody “It's Always You”, in black ink Sheet Music Signed: “James Van Heusen” in black felt tip. 9x12. Four pages.
Sale Price $250.00