Autographs from people credited in 1940 Brigham Young
MARY ASTOR - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 205042The silent film star signs on this 4½x2½ sheet in blue ink Signature: "Mary Astor", 4½x2½ sheet affixed to board same size.
Price: $160.00
MARY ASTOR - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 287440The 1941 Academy Award winner for Best Supporting Actress signs a 4½x5 sheet of paper Signature: "Mary Astor", 4½x5. MARY ASTOR (1906-1987) had a successful silent screen career, costarring with John Barrymore in Beau Brummell (1923) and Don Juan (1926).
Sale Price $135.00
MARY ASTOR - AUTOGRAPH CIRCA 1931 - HFSID 459Signature in blue ink, acquired from her in 1931 Signature: "Mary Astor", 5x1½ overall, signature 3¾x1¼ (two surfaces). Mary Astor (1906-1987) had a successful silent screen career, costarring with John Barrymore in Beau Brummell (1923) and Don Juan (1926).
Price: $140.00
MARY ASTOR - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 08/21/1964 - HFSID 344855The actress handwrites and signs this letter to her agent, Gloria Safier, asking her to double-check if any acting parts in commercials are available since she turned down a "Gunsmoke" at $2,000 Autograph letter signed: "Mary" in black ink.
Price: $450.00
MARY ASTOR - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 11/24/1967 - HFSID 344192The Academy Award-winning actress known for her role in the Maltese Falcon signs this letter to Gloria Safier updating her on Thanksgiving and asking for an address Autograph letter signed: "Love,/Mary" in blue ink. 6¼x7. Laguna Hills, California, Friday, no date.
Price: $450.00
MARY ASTOR - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 165299She signed this printed audience question card at a performance by "Myrus -The Man With the x-Ray eyes - Wizard of the Mental Telepathy".
Sale Price $165.00
MARY ASTOR - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 1979 - HFSID 20169Youthful image of the actress, signed by her in 1979 Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Ann/My best-/Mary Astor/1979". B/w, 7¾x10. Mary Astor (1906-1987) had a successful silent screen career, costarring with John Barrymore in Beau Brummell (1923) and Don Juan (1926).
Sale Price $325.00
MARY ASTOR - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH CIRCA 1940 - HFSID 289077Studio photo in sleeveless gown, inscribed in person to collector Saul Goodman Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Saul/Mary Astor". B/w, 8x10. Captioned in loer margin. Collector's ink stamp on verso dates signature: September 11, 1940.
Price: $700.00
MARY ASTOR - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 04/14/1970 - HFSID 344285The actress signs this check for $100 to the IRS Check signed: "Mary Astor" in blue ink. 6x2¾. April 14, 1970. Check no. 935 drawn from the account of Mary Astor at United California Bank in Laguna Hills, California. Payable for $100.00 to Internal Revenue Service.
Price: $240.00
MARY ASTOR - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 11/27/1969 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 344202The Academy Award-winning actress signs this check to her son for $54.31 Check signed: "Mary Astor" in black ink and endorsed on verso: "Anthony del Campo". November 27, 1969. Check no.
Sale Price $195.00
MARY ASTOR - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH 1979 - HFSID 180286Black and white publicity photograph of Mary Astor in a scene from Paradise for Three. Photograph signed: "Sincerely,/Mary Astor/1979". B/w, 10x8.
Price: $260.00
MARY ASTOR - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH 1980 - HFSID 20077Signed still from The Maltese Falcon, showing her with Bogart and other stars of the classic film Photograph signed: "Mary Astor/1980". B/w, 9¾x8. Shown with Humphrey Bogart, Sidney Greenstreet and Elisha Cook, Jr. in scene from film The Maltese Falcon (1941).
Price: $300.00
MARY ASTOR - CONTRACT SIGNED 11/04/1958 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 286901Standard AFTRA contract for Astor's appearance in the Playhouse 90 episode "The Return of Ansel Gibbs" (1958), with a multiply initialed rider.
Price: $450.00
MARY ASTOR - DOCUMENT SIGNED 1953 - HFSID 344189The Academy Award-winning actress signs her name on this legal document agreeing to her divorce from Thomas Gordon Wheelock, to whom she was married for ten years, on the grounds of "extreme cruelty".
Sale Price $995.00
LOUIS BROMFIELD - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 29745The Pulitzer Prize winning author signs this note Autograph Note signed: "Louis Bromfield", 7½x1¼. No place, no date. In full: "written with an arm worn off to the nub!…"
Price: $160.00
LOUIS BROMFIELD - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 1942 - HFSID 287182Bromfield sends a note to a fan in 1942 Autograph Note signed: "Malabar 1942/ For/Zita Anne Flynn/With the best wishes of/Louis Bromfield", 3½x2½ card, accompanied by 3½x2½ card with typed bio.
Sale Price $135.00
LOUIS BROMFIELD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 03/12/1946 - HFSID 83306The Pulitzer Prize winning author signs this check Check signed: "Louis Bromfield", 6½x2¾. Unnumbered check drawn on the Bank of New York, payable to Gotham Hotel for $318.13, filled out by Bromfield, 1946 March 12.
Price: $200.00
LOUIS BROMFIELD - INSCRIBED SIGNATURE 03/19/1943 - HFSID 157493The Pulitzer Prize winning author signs this album leaf Inscribed signature: "For Esther Trimble Laughlin/with best of wishes/Louis Bromfield/March 19 - 43", 4½x2¾ album leaf. Bromfield (1896-1956) won the Pulitzer Prize for his third novel, Early Autumn (1926).
Price: $160.00
LOUIS BROMFIELD - PROGRAM SIGNED - HFSID 297357The Pulitzer Prize winner signs a program from the bulletin of the Cleveland Advertising Club, announcing his speaking engagement. Program signed: "With the best wishes/of/Louis Bromfield", 6x9, 4 pages.
Price: $200.00
LOUIS BROMFIELD - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 05/10/1933 - HFSID 18479The Pulitzer Prize winning author responds to a request for a photograph Typed Letter signed: "Louis Bromfield", 1p, 8x10. Senlis (France), 1933 May 10. To Lester Roberts, New York, N.Y.
Sale Price $165.00
JOHN CARRADINE - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 27004All three sign autograph notes to radio/TV host George Sanders. Autograph Notes signed: George, If you can light this slice called my face you're more than terrific. Best of everything. John Carradine", 1 page (front and verso), 7¾x10 album leaf. Also "Thank you Georgie!!
Price: $280.00
JOHN CARRADINE - DOCUMENT DOUBLE SIGNED 08/23/1946 - HFSID 289216Consent form authorizing the Motion Picture Relief Fund to reproduce John Carradine's signature and likeness for a series of stamps raising money for needy film industry veterans. The form is signed twice by Carradine, once as an autograph sample and again to grant permission.
Price: $900.00
JOHN CARRADINE - DOCUMENT SIGNED 10/30/1958 - HFSID 255578John Carradine signs a document with Ziv Television Programs, Inc. to play the part of Alexander Sugrue in the series The Rough Riders. Document signed: "John Carradine", 1p, 8½x11. Hollywood, California, 1958 October 30.
Sale Price $545.00
JOHN CARRADINE - INSCRIBED SIGNATURE - HFSID 531John Carradine signs an album leaf to a collector in blue ink. Inscribed signature: "To/Elizabeth/John/Carradine", 5¼x4½ album leaf. Name written (unknown hand) in pencil at lower margin.
Sale Price $85.00
JOHN CARRADINE - SHOW BILL SIGNED CIRCA 1974 - HFSID 266180John Carradine signs a program for his performance of Arsenic and Old Lace at the Guilford Playhouse, Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire. Show Bill signed: "Love/from/John Carradine", 24p, 6x9.
Price: $180.00
LINDA DARNELL - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 255482Black and white publicity photograph of Linda Darnell holding a fan. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Jess/Sincerely/Linda Darnell". B/w, 8x10.
Sale Price $595.00
LINDA DARNELL - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 254060Black and white publicity photograph of Linda Darnell in a scene from the film Forever Amber. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To/Roberta,/Sincerely/Linda/Darnell". B/w, 8x10. Shown in a scene from the film Forever Amber.
Price: $400.00
LINDA DARNELL - INSCRIBED SIGNATURE - HFSID 83953Linda Darnell signs a green album leaf in blue ink. Inscribed signature: "To/Kevin!/Linda Darnell's/Best Wishes", 5½x4¼ album leaf with 1x1 b/w photo affixed.
Sale Price $135.00
LINDA DARNELL - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 04/12/1954 - HFSID 278993Darnell signed this typed letter to a Stanley from Republic Studio in California in 1954, just before shooting of Dakota Incident. In it, she talks about various subjects, including her drawing, her adopted daughter Lola, her ranch house... and, while she's at it, a little business.
Price: $400.00
BRIAN DONLEVY - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 287532Signature on an album leaf with printed photo of him attached Signature: "Brian Donleavy", 5½x4½ album leaf with 1x1 newspaper photo affixed to lower right corner. Brian Donlevy (1889-1972) appeared on Broadway and in supporting silent film roles in the 1920s.
Price: $100.00