Autographs from people credited in 1959 1959 World Series
WALTER E. "SMOKEY" ALSTON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 12/08/1958 - HFSID 290097Check for $125 written to his daughter Check signed: "Walter Alston", 6x2¾. Oxford, Ohio, 1958 December 8. Check #102, drawn on the joint account of Walter E. and Lela V. Alston at First Citizens Bank, payable to "Mrs. Harry Ogle" for $125.00.
Price: $200.00
WALTER E. "SMOKEY" ALSTON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 12/15/1958 - HFSID 270961Check signed: "Walter Alston", 6x2¾. Oxford, Ohio, 1958. Check #107, drawn on the account of Walter E. Alston and Lela V. Alston at The First Citizens Bank of Oxford, payable to Dr. J. H. Baker for $88.08. Filled out by Alston, who has left the digit "5" out of the year.
Sale Price $135.00
WALTER E. "SMOKEY" ALSTON - CLIPPED SIGNATURE - HFSID 124834The manager in six World Series signs his name in blue ink Clipped signature: "Walt Alston", in blue ink, 3½x1. Walter "Smokey"Alston (1911-1984) led the 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers to their only World Championship.
Price: $80.00
LUIS APARICIO - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 269951The Hall of Famer shortstop signs an official Rawlings Baseball citing the year he became the first Venezuelan to win Rookie of the Year. Baseball signed: "Luis Aparicio/ROY 56". Rawlings/Official Ball/American League/Gene A. Budig Pres.
Sale Price $175.00
LUIS APARICIO - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 269989The Hall of Famer shortstop signs an official Rawlings Baseball citing the year he became the first Venezuelan to win Rookie of the Year. Baseball signed: "Luis Aparicio/ROY 56". Rawlings/Official Ball/American League/Gene A. Budig Pres.
Sale Price $175.00
LUIS APARICIO - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 283043Rawlings Official Major League Baseball signed by the Hall of Famer, encased in PSA/DNA cube with authentication label and an overall grade of 9. Baseball signed "Luis Aparicio" in blue ink. 2½-inch diameter baseball. Rawlings Official Major League baseball with Allan H.
Price: $260.00
LUIS APARICIO - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 283064Baseball signed with his Hall of Fame year Baseball signed: "Luis Aparicio/HOF 84". Official National League baseball, Leonard S. Coleman, Jr., President, signed in the sweet-spot.
Price: $220.00
LUIS APARICIO - NEWSPAPER PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED - HFSID 83747Hall of Famer Luis Aparicio signs this newspaper photo showing him holding a birthday cake as shortstop for the Boston Red Sox. The photo (2½x2) is attached to an unsigned enveloped, postmarked in 1973, the year he retired.
Price: $100.00
NORM CASH - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 284522He signs as one of the 1962 Home Run leaders Sports Card Signed: "Norm Cash". Color 2½x3½ card No. 4, honoring the 1962 American League Home Run Leaders, with a listing of the leaders on verso.
Price: $180.00
ROGER CRAIG - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 114113The 1986 Cy Young Award winner signs a 5x3 card. Signature: "Roger Craig", 5x3 card. In 1986, "Sports Illustrated" called Roger Craig "the acknowledged maestro of the split-fingered fastball.…"
Price: $80.00
ROGER CRAIG - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 291799Handwritten letter on Giants stationery. Declining to participate in a card show on advice of counsel! Autograph Letter signed: "Roger Craig", 1 page, 5½x8. No place, no date, on (baseball) Giants letterhead to "Steve".
Sale Price $175.00
ROGER CRAIG - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 291798Black and white photograph of Craig throwing a pitch in a game, signed in blue felt tip. Photograph signed: "Roger Craig" in blue felt tip, B/w 8x10. In 1986, "Sports Illustrated" called Roger Craig "the acknowledged maestro of the split-fingered fastball.…"
Price: $160.00
ROGER CRAIG - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 299411Shown as the manager of the San Francisco Giants in this black and white publicity photograph Photograph signed: "Roger Craig", Color 10x8.
Sale Price $135.00
ROGER CRAIG - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 164584The talented pitcher pens both his name and a sentiment on this 3¼x5½ photo Photograph signed: "Best Wishes/ Roger Craig" below facsimile signature. B/w, 3¼x5½.
Sale Price $135.00
ROGER CRAIG - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 159141The ball player signs this 3¼x5½ black and white photo Photograph signed: "Roger Craig" below facsimile signature. B/w, 3¼x5½.
Price: $160.00
ROGER CRAIG - CONTRACT DOUBLE SIGNED 04/16/1959 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 323361His double signed contract with the National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues as pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers. Dated in 1959, Craig led the Dodgers to their second World Series Championship later that season.
Sale Price $385.00
ROGER CRAIG - HAT SIGNED - HFSID 277300The master of the split-fingered fastball signs a Tigers cap. Baseball Cap signed: "Roger Craig". MLB-licensed New Era Pro Model baseball cap, size 73/8 baseball cap, signed in silver ink on the bill. Detroit Tigers cap, black with white Gothic-style letter "D".
Price: $400.00
ROGER CRAIG - PRINTED ART SIGNED - HFSID 283278The master of the split-fingered fastball, Roger Craig signs card from his Brooklyn Dodger days Printed Art signed: "Roger Craig". C. 10x8 card published by Historic Limited Editions from artwork by Susan Rini.
Price: $180.00
ROGER CRAIG - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 327643Signed trading card for Craig as a manager of the San Francisco Giants Trading/sports card signed: "Roger/Craig", in blue felt tip, 2½x3½.
Price: $120.00
ROGER CRAIG - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20746ROGER CRAIG Signed baseball card for 1963, shown as an original Met Sports Card signed: "Roger Craig". Color, 2½x3½. Topps baseball card #197 for 1963, with career pitching record through 1962 printed on verso.
Price: $120.00
ROGER CRAIG - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20749Baseball Card signed: "Roger Craig". Color, 2½x3½. 1957 Topps #173. Career bio on verso. In 1986, "Sports Illustrated" called Roger Craig "the acknowledged maestro of the split-fingered fastball.…"
Price: $120.00
DON DEMETER - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 124779The Detroit Tigers outfielder signs his name in blue ink on an album leaf Signature: "Don/Demeter". In blue ink, 4½x6. Don Demeter (1935-2021) was a hard hitting outfielder who could also play first and third base.
Price: $90.00
DON DEMETER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 164345The Detroit Tigers outfielder signs his name in blue ink on this 3½x5½ black and white photo of himself at bat Photograph signed: "Don/Demeter". In blue ink, 3½x5½.
Price: $140.00
DON DEMETER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 164346The LA Dodgers outfielder signs his name in blue ink on this 3½x5½ black and white photo Photograph signed: "Don/Demeter". In blue ink, 3½x5½. Don Demeter (1935-2021) was a hard hitting outfielder who could also play first and third base.
Sale Price $115.00
DON DEMETER - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20802Signed baseball card, shown wearing his LA hat Sports Card signed: "Don/Demeter". Color, 3½x2½. Topps baseball card #234 .Major League batting stats on verso. Don Demeter (1935-2021) was a hard hitting outfielder who could also play first and third base.
Price: $90.00
DON DEMETER - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20804The Phillies outfielder signs his Topps trading card in blue ink Trading/Sports Card signed: "Don/Demeter". In blue ink, Color, 3½x2½. Topps baseball card #268. Major League batting stats on verso.
Price: $90.00
DON DEMETER - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20808The Detroit Tigers outfielder signs his Topps trading card in red ink Sports Card signed: "Don/Demeter". Color, 3½x2½. Topps baseball card #58. Major League batting stats on verso.
Price: $90.00
DON DEMETER - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20813The Detroit Tigers outfielder signs his Topps trading card in blue ink Sports Card signed: "Don/Demeter". Color, 3½x2½. Topps baseball card #98. Major League batting stats on verso.
Price: $90.00
DON DEMETER - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 286124Signed baseball card, shown in batting stance in Tiger uniform Sports Card signed: "Don/Demeter". Color, 2½x3½. Topps baseball card #429 for 1965. Major League batting stats through 1964 on verso.
Price: $90.00
DICK "TRICKY DICK" DONOVAN - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20805Shown in White Sox uniform on a signed baseball card Sports Card signed: "Dick Donovan". Color, 3½x2½. Topps baseball card #199 for 1960. Pitching highlights from 1959 and career stats through that date on verso.
Sale Price $85.00