Autographs from people credited in 1966 1966 World Series
WALTER E. "SMOKEY" ALSTON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 12/08/1958 - HFSID 290097Check for $125 written to his daughter Check signed: "Walter Alston", 6x2¾. Oxford, Ohio, 1958 December 8. Check #102, drawn on the joint account of Walter E. and Lela V. Alston at First Citizens Bank, payable to "Mrs. Harry Ogle" for $125.00.
Price: $200.00
WALTER E. "SMOKEY" ALSTON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 12/15/1958 - HFSID 270961Check signed: "Walter Alston", 6x2¾. Oxford, Ohio, 1958. Check #107, drawn on the account of Walter E. Alston and Lela V. Alston at The First Citizens Bank of Oxford, payable to Dr. J. H. Baker for $88.08. Filled out by Alston, who has left the digit "5" out of the year.
Sale Price $135.00
WALTER E. "SMOKEY" ALSTON - CLIPPED SIGNATURE - HFSID 124834The manager in six World Series signs his name in blue ink Clipped signature: "Walt Alston", in blue ink, 3½x1. Walter "Smokey"Alston (1911-1984) led the 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers to their only World Championship.
Price: $80.00
LUIS APARICIO - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 269989The Hall of Famer shortstop signs an official Rawlings Baseball citing the year he became the first Venezuelan to win Rookie of the Year. Baseball signed: "Luis Aparicio/ROY 56". Rawlings/Official Ball/American League/Gene A. Budig Pres.
Sale Price $175.00
LUIS APARICIO - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 269951The Hall of Famer shortstop signs an official Rawlings Baseball citing the year he became the first Venezuelan to win Rookie of the Year. Baseball signed: "Luis Aparicio/ROY 56". Rawlings/Official Ball/American League/Gene A. Budig Pres.
Sale Price $175.00
LUIS APARICIO - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 283043Rawlings Official Major League Baseball signed by the Hall of Famer, encased in PSA/DNA cube with authentication label and an overall grade of 9. Baseball signed "Luis Aparicio" in blue ink. 2½-inch diameter baseball. Rawlings Official Major League baseball with Allan H.
Price: $260.00
LUIS APARICIO - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 283064Baseball signed with his Hall of Fame year Baseball signed: "Luis Aparicio/HOF 84". Official National League baseball, Leonard S. Coleman, Jr., President, signed in the sweet-spot.
Price: $220.00
LUIS APARICIO - NEWSPAPER PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED - HFSID 83747Hall of Famer Luis Aparicio signs this newspaper photo showing him holding a birthday cake as shortstop for the Boston Red Sox. The photo (2½x2) is attached to an unsigned enveloped, postmarked in 1973, the year he retired.
Price: $100.00
JIM BARBIERI - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 164573The LA Dodgers outfielder pens his name on this 3½x5½ photo postcard Photograph signed: “Jim Barbieri” B/w, 3½x5½. Jim Barbieri (b.1941) played in the outfield for the LA Dodgers during the 1966 MLB season in a total of 39 games.
Price: $100.00
HANK BAUER - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 09/29/1980 - HFSID 124928Hank Bauer handwrote and signed this note on the back of a fan letter from Frances Smith of Brooklyn, New York in 1980. With original mailing envelope. Autograph note signed "Sorry, don't have any pictures. Hank Bauer". 1 page, 6x9 ruled paper.
Price: $90.00
HANK BAUER - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED CIRCA 1966 - HFSID 54190Signature from Bauer signed with "Best Wishes" Autograph sentiment signed: "Best Wishes/Hank Bauer", 5½x2½. Clipped from postal card. 4-cent U.S. Coast Guard imprinted postage, postmarked Baltimore, Maryland, date illegible but 1960s.
Price: $90.00
HANK BAUER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 269970Baseball signed: "Hank Bauer/1958/1958 W. S. 4 HR's". Rawlings Official American League Ball, Bobby Brown, President. Bauer didn't give away runs or make mental mistakes, and he had a fierce determination to win. He collected nine World Series checks while with the Yankees.
Price: $220.00
HANK BAUER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 263629Photograph signed: "Hank Bauer". B/w, 5¼x5½. Henry Albert "Hank" Bauer (1922-2007) didn't give away runs or make mental mistakes, and he had a fierce determination to win. Bauer collected nine World Series checks while with the Yankees.
Sale Price $105.00
HANK BAUER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 279229Color publicity photograph of Hank Bauer kneeling with a bat. Photograph signed: "Hank Bauer". Color, 8x10. Henry Albert "Hank" Bauer (1922-2007) didn't give away runs or make mental mistakes, and he had a fierce determination to win.
Price: $140.00
HANK BAUER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 283085Color publicity photograph of Hank Bauer as Manager of the Orioles Photograph signed: "Hank Bauer". Color, 8x10. Henry Albert "Hank" Bauer (1922-2007) didn't give away runs or make mental mistakes, and he had a fierce determination to win.
Price: $120.00
HANK BAUER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 285265Hank Bauer posing as he swings the bat Photograph signed: "Hank Bauer". B/w 8x10. Henry Albert "Hank" Bauer (1922-2007) didn't give away runs or make mental mistakes, and he had a fierce determination to win. Bauer collected nine World Series checks while with the Yankees.
Sale Price $115.00
HANK BAUER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 114137Photograph signed: "Hank Bauer". Color, 8x10. Henry Albert "Hank" Bauer (1922-2007) didn't give away runs or make mental mistakes, and he had a fierce determination to win. Bauer collected nine World Series checks while with the Yankees.
Sale Price $115.00
HANK BAUER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 126360Photograph signed: "Hank Bauer". Color, 8x10. Henry Albert "Hank" Bauer (1922-2007) didn't give away runs or make mental mistakes, and he had a fierce determination to win. Bauer collected nine World Series checks while with the Yankees.
Price: $120.00
HANK BAUER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 126384Photograph signed: "Hank Bauer". Color, 8x10. Henry Albert "Hank" Bauer (1922-2007) didn't give away runs or make mental mistakes, and he had a fierce determination to win. Bauer collected nine World Series checks while with the Yankees.
Price: $140.00
HANK BAUER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 126411Photograph signed: "Hank Bauer". Color, 8x10. Henry Albert "Hank" Bauer (1922-2007) didn't give away runs or make mental mistakes, and he had a fierce determination to win. Bauer collected nine World Series checks while with the Yankees.
Sale Price $115.00
HANK BAUER - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 102510Magazine Cover signed: "Best Wishes/Hank Bauer". Color, 8¼x11½. Complete "Sports Illustrated" magazine, July 22, 1957 issue, picturing Bauer on the cover. Cover story: "The Yankees/5 big questions answered for the first time". Six-page spread (pages 8-13) inside.
Price: $160.00
HANK BAUER - MINIATURE BASEBALL BAT SIGNED - HFSID 293202Mini 16-inch Louisville Slugger Hall of Fame bat, signed in blue felt tip on the barrel Miniature Baseball Bat signed: "Hank Bauer". Miniature 16-inch Louisville Slugger baseball bat engraved with the Baseball Hall of Fame logo, signed in blue felt tip on the barrel.
Price: $220.00
HANK BAUER - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 327913Trading card signed by the eight time World Series champion Trading/sports card signed: "Hank Bauer", 2½x3½. Hank Bauer (1922-2007) didn't give away runs or make mental mistakes, and he had a fierce determination to win.
Price: $100.00
PAUL BLAIR - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 268463The 8-time Golden glove winner signs a Rawlings official American League baseball in blue ink. Baseball signed: "Paul Blair". Official American League baseball, Bobby Brown President.
Price: $200.00
PAUL BLAIR - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 111851Color photo of the late Baltimore Orioles centerfielder, winner of 8 Golden gloves. Photograph signed: "Paul Blair" in blue ink. Color, 8x10.
Sale Price $115.00
PAUL BLAIR - PROGRAM SIGNED CIRCA 1989 - HFSID 291045Program from the 50th anniversary of the Baseball Hall of Fame, signed on the front cover by the Oriole and Yankee center fielder Program signed: "Paul Blair", 30 pages, 8x10.
Sale Price $105.00
PAUL BLAIR - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20522His signed 1977 Topps sports card, no. 313 shown as outfielder for the Orioles Sports Card signed: "Paul Blair" in blue ink above facsimile signature. Color, 2½x3½. ©T.C.B. 1977 Topps sports card, no. 313.
Price: $100.00
CURT "CLANK" BLEFARY - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 269893The 1965 AL Rookie of the Year signs a Rawlings Official American League baseball (Budig). Baseball signed: "Curt Blefary/#3". Rawlings Official American League baseball, Gene A. Budig, President.
Sale Price $135.00
CURT "CLANK" BLEFARY - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20536His signed 1971 Topps Baseball card, no. 131 as 1st baseman and outfielder for the New York Yankees Trading card signed: "Curt Blefary", in blue ink above facsimile signature, 3½x2½. © T.C.G. 1971 Topps Baseball Card, no. 131.
Sale Price $105.00
WES COVINGTON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 1645423½x5 image, swinging a bat in uniform of the LA Dodgers, for whom he played in his third World Series Photograph signed: "Best Wishes/Wes Covington". B/w, 3½x5. Advertisement for Wes Covington's Bar-B-Q House with addresses on verso.
Price: $120.00