Autographs from people credited in 1966 NBC White Paper
CHANCELLOR WILLY BRANDT (GERMANY) - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 202005Photograph of the Chancellor of West Germany (5x7), inscribed to a fan Photograph inscribed and signed: "For Randi Pearson/Willy Brandt". Color, 5x7 overall, image 5x6 (one surface).
Sale Price $215.00
CHANCELLOR WILLY BRANDT (GERMANY) - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 206410Photograph of the Chancellor of West Germany and Novel Peace Prize winner (4x5¾) Inscribed photograph signed: "Willy Brandt". Color, 4x5¾ overall, image 4x5¼ (one surface). Inscribed in unknown hand "For Maria".
Price: $260.00
CHANCELLOR WILLY BRANDT (GERMANY) - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 216320Mayor of West Berlin and Chancellor of West Germany, signed in purple felt tip (4x5¾) Photograph signed: "Willy Brandt". B/w, 4x5¾ overall, image 4x5 (one surface).
Price: $260.00
CHANCELLOR WILLY BRANDT (GERMANY) - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 174917Photograph of the young West Berlin Mayor (3½x5¼), signed in blue ink Photograph signed: "Willy Brandt". B/w, 3½x5¼ overall, image 3x4½ (one surface).
Price: $260.00
CHANCELLOR WILLY BRANDT (GERMANY) - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 131764Black and white photograph of Brandt signed on bottom margin (4x5¾) Photograph signed: "Willy Brandt". B/w, 4x5¾ overall, image 4x4½ (one surface). Willy Brandt (1913-1992) was Mayor of West Berlin from 1957-1966 and Chancellor of West Germany (1969-1974).
Sale Price $215.00
CHANCELLOR WILLY BRANDT (GERMANY) - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 297869Photograph (4x6) of the German Chancellor and Nobel Peace Prize winner Photograph signed: "Willie Brandt". B/w, 4x6. Willie Brandt (1913-1992) was Mayor of West Berlin from 1957-1966 and Chancellor of the German Federal Republic ("West German), 1969-1974.…"
Sale Price $215.00
CHANCELLOR WILLY BRANDT (GERMANY) - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 322770October 1969 Time magazine cover featuring Brandt, signed on the right margin in black felt tip Magazine cover signed: "Willy Brandt", in black felt tip, 8¼x11. Time Magazine cover featuring the German Mayor and Chancellor, October 10, 1969.
Price: $280.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 54195Signature: "Everett M. Dirksen", 4½x1¼. Everett McKinley Dirksen (1896-1969) was U.S. Representative (1933-1949) and U.S. Senator (1951 until his death in 1969) from Illinois. He was the Republican Whip from 1957-1959 and Minority Leader from 1959-1969.
Price: $90.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 54196Handwritten note to a class, signed as a US Senator Autograph Note signed: "To Joseph R./Hovance and/his class with/best wishes/Everett M Dirksen/U.S. Senate" as U.S. Senator from Illinois, 5x3 card. Everett McKinley Dirksen (1896-1969) was U.S. Representative (1933-1949) and U.S.
Price: $140.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 157380Photograph of Portrait inscribed and signed: "To Ben Mandel/in tribute to his/long years of patriotic/service to the country./Everett M. Dirksen/U.S. Senate." B/w, 8x10. Reproduction of a charcoal portrait of Dirksen seated next to a bust of Lincoln.
Price: $200.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 274697Photograph signed: "Everett M. Dirksen/U.S. Senate" as U.S. Senator from Illinois. B/w, 8x10 overall, image 7½x7¾ (one surface). Everett McKinley Dirksen (1896-1969) was U.S. Representative (1933-1949) and U.S. Senator (1951 until his death in 1969) from Illinois.
Price: $200.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - COMMEMORATIVE ENVELOPE SIGNED - HFSID 305011Commemorative envelope signed by the former U.S. Senator, featuring a cartoon entitled "The torch burns brighter." Commemorative Envelope signed: "Everett M. Dirksen/U.S. Senate", 6½x3¾. Envelope commemorating Clifford K.
Price: $70.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - FIRST DAY COVER SIGNED - HFSID 83851Philatelic Envelope signed: "Everett M. Dirksen/U.S. Senate", 6½x3½. Canadian First Day Cover commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Armistice of the First World War, 5-cent Winston Churchill stamp affixed, not postmarked but issued November 11, 1968.
Price: $70.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - FIRST DAY COVER SIGNED - HFSID 48571(U.S. Sen.). 6-cent 1968 American Flag FDC signed: "Everett M. Dirksen/U.S. Senate", 6½x3¾. "Haloing" of ink, paper clip impression at upper left, remnants (no show through).
Price: $70.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 01/05/1968 - HFSID 273853TLS: "Everett M. Dirksen" as U.S. Senator from Illinois and Senate Minority Leader, 1p, 8x10½. No place, but probably Washington, D.C., 1968 January 5. On letterhead of United States Senate to Mr. Danny Franklin, Sunnyslope, Arizona.
Price: $180.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 02/16/1952 - HFSID 293553The U.S. Senator from Illinois autographs a letter and sends it to Ralph E. Ward for his collection. Typed Letter signed: "Everett M. Dirksen", as U.S. Senator, 1 page, 8x10¾. Washington, 1952 February 16.
Price: $180.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 02/21/1969 - HFSID 310974As Senate Minority Leader he promises a constituent that the Senate will address the issue of chemical and biological warfare. Signed in the year of his death. Typed Letter signed: "Everett M. Dirksen", 1 page, 8x10½. Washington, D.C., 1969 April 21.
Price: $180.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 04/05/1963 - HFSID 320009The Senate Minority Leader declines an Independence Day event, but suggests Representative John Anderson as a "top flight" alternative. Typed Letter signed: "Everett M. Dirksen" as Minority Leader, 1 page, 7½x10½. No place (but presumably Washington, D. C.
Price: $200.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 04/12/1948 - HFSID 320010As US Representative at a turning point in his career, Dirksen replies to thanks for an appearance in Detroit. Typed Letter signed: "Everett M. Dirksen" as US Representative, 1 page, 8x10½. Washington, D. C., 1948 April 12. On his personal House letterhead to Charles A.
Sale Price $150.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 06/07/1966 - HFSID 320012The Senator writes a letter to a constituent, thanking her for a kind letter received while staying at Walter Reed Hospital, and sending her a Congressional Directory listing the Governors of each state. Dirksen would pass away three years later at Walter Reed Hospital.
Sale Price $150.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 06/09/1964 - HFSID 320006As Senate Minority Leader, he excuses a late reply to a constituent on grounds that he has been "over my ears in work". He was indeed. The very next day, the Senate, with Dirksen's crucial support, would vote for the first time ever to end a civil rights filibuster.
Sale Price $165.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 06/19/1963 - HFSID 320013The Senator writes a letter to a friend, thanking him for his birthday greetings to their mutual friend, and wishing him a successful Fourth of July Typed letter signed: "Everett M. Dirksen", in blue ink, 1 page, 7½x10½. June 19, 1963. United States Senate.
Price: $180.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 07/16/1963 - HFSID 320008The Senate Minority Leader thanks a constituent for praise of himself and of Congressman (and future Presidential candidate) John Anderson. Typed Letter signed: "Everett M. Dirksen" as Minority Leader, 1 page, 7x10½. No place (but presumably Washington, D. C.
Price: $200.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 08/15/1968 - HFSID 83628TLS: "Everett M. Dirksen" as U.S. Senator from Illinois, 1p, 6½x8¼. Washington, D.C., 1968 August 15. On letterhead imprinted "Everett McKinley Dirksen/United States Senate" to Salem Robinson Realty, Miami, Florida. Begins: "Gentlemen".
Sale Price $150.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 08/26/1964 - HFSID 320014The Senate Minority Leader assures a constituent that his Committee is "looking into the purchase of the Yankees by CBS". Typed Letter signed: "Everett M. Dirksen" as Minority Leader, 1 page, 7¾x10½. No place (but presumably Washington, D. C.), 1964 August 26.
Price: $220.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 08/28/1963 - HFSID 320007The Senate Minority Leader is unable to attend a patriotic event back home in Illinois because "the Senate is in a constant sweat with controversial legislation" (which he identifies). Typed Letter signed: "Everett M. Dirksen" as Minority Leader, 1 page, 7¾x10½.
Price: $200.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 09/16/1968 - HFSID 86918TLS: "Everett M. Dirksen" as Republican Minority Leader, ¼p, 8x10½. Washington, D.C. 1968 September 16. On his United States Senate letterhead to Mr. Carson C. Hathaway, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Sale Price $150.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 09/28/1967 - HFSID 320011Not quite closing the door on a favorite-son candidacy for himself, Dirksen observes: "I believe it is still too early to concern ourselves with the identity of our Presidential candidate in 1968." Typed Letter signed: "Everett M.…"
Price: $200.00
EVERETT M. DIRKSEN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 12/02/1963 - HFSID 320005The U.S. Representative signs a letter to an associate in regards to repaying Senator Roman Hruska for his aid in 1962 Typed letter signed: "Everett M. Dirksen", in blue ink, 1 page, 8x10½. December 2, 1963. Illinois.
Sale Price $150.00
ANATOLY F. DOBRYNIN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 295404The Soviet Ambassador to the U.S. signs a Rawlings Official National League baseball (Coleman). Baseball signed: "A. Dobrynin" in blue ink, Rawlings Official National League baseball, Leonard S. Coleman, President. Dobrynin (1919-2010) was the Soviet Ambassador to the U.S.
Sale Price $495.00