Autographs from people credited in 1966 The Making of a President: 1964
MARTIN GABEL - AUTOGRAPH RESUME SIGNED - HFSID 301322The actor's handwritten resume from the archive of Theatre World and Screen World, a comprehensive record of American stage and film since 1945 Autograph Resume signed, 1 page, 8½x11. New York City, no date.
Price: $360.00
LALO SCHIFRIN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 205325Signed b/w publicity photo from Atlantic Jazz of composer Lalo Schifrin in a sweater and dark shirt, sitting in front of a piano and leaning on the keyboard Photograph inscribed and signed: "To John/Lalo Schifrin." B/w, 8x9¾ overall, image 7x8¼ (one surface).
Price: $160.00
LALO SCHIFRIN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 213522B/w publicity photo of composer Lalo Schifrin in a dark three-piece suit and sitting on a sofa with one finger to his temple, signed "Sincerely" Photograph Inscribed and signed: "To Leroy/Sincerely/Lalo Schifrin". B/w, 8x10 overall, image 7½x7½ (one surface).
Price: $160.00
LALO SCHIFRIN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 181713B/w publicity photo of a young Lalo Schifrin from the chest up in a sweater and white shirt and with his arms crossed, signed with "My best wishes" Photograph signed: "My best/wishes/Lalo Schifrin". B/w, 7¾x10 overall, image 6½x8 (one surface).
Price: $160.00
LALO SCHIFRIN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 341980Black and white photograph of the film composer signed in black felt tip Photograph signed: "Lalo Schifrin", in black felt tip, B/w 8x10. Lalo Schifrin (b.
Sale Price $135.00
LALO SCHIFRIN - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 264012Blue card, with a "Hollywood Legends" film motif, signed by movie and jazz composer Lalo Schifrin Printed card signed: "Lalo Schifrin" in black ink, 6¼x3½ card with movie motif and clapboard with "Hollywood Legends" printed near left edge.
Sale Price $85.00
MEL STUART - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 299219The Academy Award nominated director is shown with Gene Wilder on the set of his 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. Photograph signed: "Best/Wishes/Mel/Stuart" in black felt tip, B/w 8x10.
Price: $200.00
MEL STUART - CHECK ENDORSED 04/05/1974 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 39101The Oscar-nominated, Emmy-winning director and producer endorses a $200 check from the Wolper production company Check Endorsed: "Mel Stuart", "Joan Koury", 8¼x3¼. Los Angeles, California, 1974 April 5.
Price: $160.00
THEODORE H. WHITE - ARTICLE SIGNED - HFSID 345968The American journalist who wrote The Making of the President book series signed this copied page from a newspaper Article Signed: "Theo H. White". 5¾x8.
Price: $120.00
THEODORE H. WHITE - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 297761Signature of the veteran journalist and chronicler of Presidential elections Signature: "Theodore H. White", 5x3. In 1962, Theodore H. White (1915-1986) won the Pulitzer Prize in General Nonfiction for The Making of the President, 1960.
Price: $70.00
THEODORE H. WHITE - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 185889The Pulitzer Prize winner penned his signature and this note on note paper with his personal letterhead Autograph Note Signed: "For J.L. Pruett/and his students,/ Best Wishes To All,/ Theodore H. White", 3¾x7¼. On his personal New York, N.Y. letterhead.
Price: $260.00
THEODORE H. WHITE - CHECK ENDORSED 07/05/1961 - HFSID 18873The writer who embellished the life of John F. Kennedy endorses a check for $7.25 to a book store Check endorsed: "Pay to Scribner's/ Book Store,/ Theodore H. White", 6¼x2¾. New York, New York, 1961 July 5. Filled out and signed: "John G. Mahoney".
Price: $200.00
THEODORE H. WHITE - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 16050The writer tries his hand at drawing, penning his signature and a note alongside a graph and spiral in red ink Original Art Signed: "Theo H White", 1p, 5¾x9. In full: "How do you find a ball in a/ baseball field? [drawing with square marked 'Home Plate'].…"
Sale Price $345.00
THEODORE H. WHITE - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 208139The author of The Making of the President series signed this embellished index card in red ink Printed Card Signed in Ink: "Theodore H White", 5x3 card with ornate border. In 1962, Theodore H.
Price: $100.00
THEODORE H. WHITE - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 05/13/1981 - HFSID 185883The author who wrote about the United States Presidential elections signed this typed letter TLS: "Theo White", 1p, 7¼x10½. New York, N.Y., 1981 May 13. On his personal letterhead to Mr. Bob Hemminger, St. Marys, Ga.
Sale Price $295.00
THEODORE H. WHITE - TYPESCRIPT SIGNED - HFSID 217166This typed section of In Search of History: A Personal Adventure is signed by the author Typescript signed: "Theodore H White", 1p, 8½x11. Headed: "from IN SEARCH OF HISTORY".
Price: $320.00
THEODORE H. WHITE - TYPESCRIPT SIGNED - HFSID 209523A signed excerpt from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author's book Typescript signed: "Theodore H. White," 1p, 8½x11. Headed: "THE MAKING OF THE PRESIDENT-1972". In 1962, Theodore H.
Sale Price $250.00
THEODORE H. WHITE - TYPESCRIPT SIGNED - HFSID 184013A signed typescript of the author's book, The Making of The Presiden 1960 Typescript signed: "Theodore H. White", 1p, 8½x11. Headed: "THE MAKING OF THE PRESIDENT 1960".
Price: $320.00
DAVID L WOLPER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 189416Inscribed black and white publicity photograph. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Ellen/Best Regards/David L./Wolper". B/w, 8x10 overall, image 6¾x9 (one surface). Captioned at lower margin.
Price: $140.00
DAVID L WOLPER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 278349Inscribed photo, shown at his desk with cigar, talking on the phone Photograph inscribed and signed: "To/Marshall/Bean/A good/friend/David L. Wolper". B/w, 10x8.
Price: $140.00
DAVID L WOLPER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 189418Black and white publicity photograph of David Wolper sitting inside a model. Photograph signed: "Best Regards/David/Wolper". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $140.00
DAVID L WOLPER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 189415Black and white publicity photograph. Photograph signed: "Best Regards/David Wolper". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $140.00
DAVID L WOLPER - CHECK SIGNED & ENDORSED 02/25/1971 - HFSID 39174David Wolper signs and endorses a check for Wolper Productions Inc. Check endorsed and signed: "David Wolper", 8¼x3½. 25 February 1971 Wolper Productions Inc. check drawn from the account at the United California Bank, Los Angeles, California, payable to "Mr. David L.…"
Price: $120.00
DAVID L WOLPER - CHECK SIGNED & ENDORSED 12/03/1974 - HFSID 39172David Wolper signs and endorses a check for The Wolper Organization. Check signed and endorsed: "David Wolper", 8¼x3½. 3 December 1974. The Wolper Organization Inc. check drawn from the account at the Union Bank, Torrance, California, payable to "David L.…"
Sale Price $105.00
DAVID L WOLPER - INSCRIBED PROGRAM SIGNED CIRCA 1986 - HFSID 215103Inscribed program for Liberty Weekend. Program inscribed and signed: "To Selwyn/Best Regards/David L. Wolper" on cover, 72p, 8½x11. New York City, circa 1986. Program for Liberty Weekend, picturing the Statue of Liberty on the cover.
Sale Price $105.00
DAVID L WOLPER - PAYCHECK ENDORSED 10/14/1974 - HFSID 39166The Wolper Organization check endorsed by David L. Wolper. Check endorsed: "David Wolper", 8¼x3½. 14 October 1974. The Wolper Organization Inc. check drawn from the account at the Union Bank, Torrance, California, payable to "David L. Wolper" for $475.00.
Sale Price $105.00
DAVID L WOLPER - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 10/01/1984 - HFSID 270603He writes to Phyllis Diller regarding the 1984 Olympic Games Typed Letter signed: "David Wolper", 1 page, 8½x11. Burbank, California, 1984 October 1. On letterhead of David Wolper Productions to actress/comedienne Phyllis Diller.
Price: $160.00