Autographs from people credited in 1966 The Wackiest Ship in the Army
SUSAN ALBERT - INSCRIBED PROGRAM SIGNED - HFSID 254277The actress signs her name on a program for The Impossible Years at Phoenix Star Theatres Inscribed program signed: "To John/Best Wishes/Susan Albert", in blue ink, 2 pages, 5½x8½. A program for a production of The Impossible Years at Phoenix Star Theatres.
Price: $120.00
LOIS M. BATTLE - DOCUMENT SIGNED 07/09/1962 - HFSID 282304AFTRA membership application signed by actress Lois Battle in 1962 Document signed: "Lois M. Battle" in blue ink. Blue and red ink notations in unknown hand. 2 pages, 6x8¾, 1 sheet, front and verso.
Price: $200.00
HARRY BELLAVER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 308332The actor is shown from the chest up in this black and white publicity photograph for the 1965 film The Birds and the Bees. Inscribed Photograph signed: "To/Robert/Rubin/Sincerely/Harry Bellaver" in black ink, B/w 8x10.
Price: $280.00
HARRY BELLAVER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 284060Signed 4x5 photo, dressed in wool sweater and felt hat Photograph signed: "Sincerely/Harry Bellaver". B/w 3½x4¾.
Price: $200.00
LLOYD BOCHNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 323505The handsome television actor poses in dashing tuxedo for 3½x5½ headshot, signs name in blue ink Inscribed photograph signed: "Robert - All good wishes/ Lloyd Bochner" in blue ink. B/w, 3½x5½.
Price: $200.00
LLOYD BOCHNER - INSCRIBED CARD SIGNED - HFSID 19055Inscribed signature: "To Kayo -/Lloyd Bochner", 4¼x3. Magazine photo (color, 1½x2¾) affixed at left. Canadian actor Lloyd Bochner (1924-2005) was featured in such films as Drums of Africa (1963), The Dunwich Horror (1969) and Morning Glory (1993).
Price: $120.00
LLOYD BOCHNER - INSCRIBED PRINTED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 345300The prolific actor signed this printed 8x10 b/w photograph of himself staring back at the camera Inscribed Printed Photograph Signed: “Guy-/Best wishes/Lloyd Bochner” b/w 8x10 print featuring the actor's name on the bottom left corner. White border.
Price: $200.00
SHARON FARRELL - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 347139The actress pens her name in blue ink on this index card Signature: "Sharon/ Farrell" in blue ink, 6x4. Sharon Farrell (b. 1940), born Sharon Forsmoe, is an actress whose first film was Kiss Her Goodbye (1959).
Price: $80.00
SHARON FARRELL - INSCRIBED SIGNATURE - HFSID 347138The actress inscribes her signature to a fan on this index card Inscribed Signature: “To Joe/ Sharon Farrell” in blue ink, 6x4. Sharon Farrell (b. 1940), born Sharon Forsmoe, is an actress whose first film was Kiss Her Goodbye (1959).
Price: $80.00
JILL IRELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 1989 - HFSID 255533The actress pens this letter in 1989, one year before her death, to thank the recipient for a card. Accompanied by original mailing envelope. Autograph Letter Signed: "Jill". 1p, 5½x7½, on Ireland's personalized stationery as "Jill Ireland Bronson".
Sale Price $250.00
JILL IRELAND - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 03/10/1978 - HFSID 342459The television actress signs personal check for $164.41 in black ink Check signed: "Jill Ireland Bronson" in black felt tip. 7x3½. March 10, 1978. Check no. 1132 drawn from the account of Charles and Jill Bronson at Bank of America in Beverley Hills, California.
Price: $220.00
JILL IRELAND - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 181477The actress shown sitting at a table, wearing a skinny strapped dress Photograph signed: "Jill Ireland". B/w, 9¾x7¾ overall, 9¼x7¼ image, one surface.
Price: $120.00
JILL IRELAND - TICKET SIGNED CIRCA 1988 - HFSID 147536Ticket request card for the 60th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, filled out and signed Ticket Signed: "Jill Ireland" in black ink. 5½x4, with perforated top edge.
Sale Price $175.00
NANCY KOVACK - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 25564Black and white publicity photograph of Nancy Kovack in her role in Jason and the Argonauts. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To/George/my best/best/wishes/Nancy Kovack". B/w, 7½x10. Captioned in lower margin. © 1963 Columbia Pictures.
Price: $240.00
NANCY KOVACK - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 316946Shown as "Rose Sharon" in the a still from The Wild Westerners Photograph signed: "Nancy/Kovack". B/w, 10x8. Captioned movie still from The Wild Westerners (1962). Actress Nancy Kovack (b. 1935) starred in Jason and the Argonauts (as Medea, 1963), The Great Sioux Massacre (as Mrs.
Price: $240.00
NANCY KOVACK - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 345944In this signed black and white 4x6 still from the 1965 film Sylvia, the scantily clad actress is sitting in a dressing room area Photograph Signed: "Nancy / Kovack / [heart symbol]" in red felt tip. 4x6. Actress Nancy Kovack (b.
Price: $200.00
NANCY KOVACK - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 345952In this signed black and white 4x6 photograph, the actress is seen from the chest up wearing a white dress Photograph Signed: "Nancy / Kovack / [heart symbol]" in green felt tip. 4x6. Actress Nancy Kovack (b. 1935) earned a few dozen credits in film and television.
Sale Price $165.00
NANCY KOVACK - FIRST DAY COVER SIGNED - HFSID 267256Nancy Kovack signs a first day cover honoring the Pioneer unmanned space mission to Jupiter. First Day Cover signed: "Nancy Kovack", 6½x3½.
Sale Price $85.00
NANCY MEHTA KOVACK - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 308761Handwritten note by the former actress, now the wife of Zubin Mehta, apologizing for a mistake Autograph Note signed: "I'm so very/sorry for/this/mistake!/Sincerely/Nancy", 3x3.
Price: $120.00
NANCY MEHTA KOVACK - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 308760Shown in a bikini and high heels, signing as Nancy Mehta Kovack Photograph signed: "[drawn heart]/Nancy Mehta/Kovack". B/w 8x10. Graduated from the University of Michigan at age 19 and the winner of 8 beauty pageants by age 20, Nancy Kovack (b.
Price: $280.00
ROBERT LOGGIA - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 343955The actor best known for his intimidating roles pens his name on this card Signature: "Robert Loggia" in brown ink, 5x3. Robert Loggia (1930-2015) was originally cast as a leading man. However, over time it became clear that he was better suited to play character roles.
Price: $90.00
ROBERT LOGGIA - AUTOGRAPH CIRCA 1959 - HFSID 266173He signs on this card that has been attached to a black and white publicity photograph of the actor as “Elfego Baca” Signature: "Robert Loggia/ 'Elfego Baca'" in black ink, 3¼x2¼.
Sale Price $135.00
ROBERT LOGGIA - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 02/28/1961 - HFSID 168582He sends this handwritten note updating the address held by the employment office at Twentieth-Century Fox Autograph Note signed: "Robert Loggia" in black ink, 6½x4. Los Angeles, California, 1981 February 26 (from postmark on verso).
Price: $200.00
ROBERT LOGGIA - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 209982Signed black and white publicity photograph of the actor shown wearing casual attire and looking into the camera Inscribed Photograph signed: "To Jane/ Robert/ Loggia" in black felt tip, b/w, 8x10. Robert Loggia (1930-2015) was originally cast as a leading man.
Sale Price $165.00
ROBERT LOGGIA - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 212025Black and white publicity photograph (7x9) of the actor shown wearing a suit and tie and standing in front of an American flag Inscribed Photograph signed: "To Steven/ Robert Loggia/ Mancuso FBI" in blue felt tip, b/w, 7x9.
Sale Price $165.00
ROBERT LOGGIA - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 345290The famed actor is shown gazing into the camera in this black and white photograph, signed in black felt tip Inscribed Photograph signed: "To Guy/ Robert Loggia" in black felt tip, b/w, 8x10. Robert Loggia (1930-2015) was originally cast as a leading man.
Price: $200.00
ROBERT LOGGIA - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 296338The actor is shown in full view in this signed black and white photograph Inscribed Photograph signed: "To Stacy/ Robert/ Loggia" in black felt tip, b/w, 8x10. Robert Loggia (1930-2015) was originally cast as a leading man.
Sale Price $165.00
ROBERT LOGGIA - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 2005 - HFSID 294933The actor is shown sitting in a chair and smiling at the camera in this black and white photograph Inscribed Photograph signed: "To Brandon/ Robert Loggia/ 2005" in silver ink, b/w, 8x10. Robert Loggia (1930-2015) was originally cast as a leading man.
Price: $200.00
ROBERT LOGGIA - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 346120The actor is seen on a stage in this black and white 6½x4¼ signed photograph Photograph Signed: “Robert Loggia”. B/w. 6 ½x4¼. Robert Loggia (1930-2015) was originally cast as a leading man.
Price: $180.00
ROBERT LOGGIA - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 341976The longtime character actor signs this black and white headshot in black ink Photograph signed: "Best wishes/ Robert Loggia" in black ink, b/w, 8x10. Robert Loggia (1930-2015) was originally cast as a leading man.
Sale Price $165.00