Autographs from people credited in 1967 Girl Talk
ELIZABETH ALLEN - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 18939Index card signed with "All the best" by Tony-nominated actor Elizabeth Allen. With a small printed color photo of Allen in a red gown affixed. Signature: "To Kayo,/All the best,/Elizabeth/Allen" in blue ink. 5x3 card.
Sale Price $85.00
ELIZABETH ALLEN - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 324858Signature of the singing actress on a 4¼x2¼ card. Signature: "Elizabeth Allen" in black ink, 4¼x2¼ card.
Price: $80.00
ELIZABETH ALLEN - AUTOGRAPH RESUME SIGNED - HFSID 312047The actress' handwritten resume from the archive of Theatre World and Screen World, a comprehensive record of American stage and film since 1945 Autograph Resume signed, 1 page, 8½x11. New York City, no date.
Price: $380.00
ELIZABETH ALLEN - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 18940Index card signed with "All the best" by Tony-nominated actor Elizabeth Allen. With a small printed color photo of Allen in a red gown affixed. Autograph sentiment signed "To Kayo,/All the best,/Elizabeth/Allen" in blue ink. 4½x3 card.
Sale Price $115.00
ELIZABETH ALLEN - INSCRIBED PRINTED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 325268Black and white publicity photograph of Elizabeth Allen, signed and inscribed to a fan. Inscribed printed photograph signed in ink: "To Emil/Happiness and Peace/Elizabeth/Allen" in black ink. B/w, 8x10. Captioned in lower margin.
Price: $140.00
ELIZABETH "BETH" ALLEN - DOCUMENT SIGNED 03/30/1956 - HFSID 282087AFTRA membership application signed by actress Elizabeth Allen in 1956 Document signed: "Beth Allen" in blue ink. Ink notations in unknown hand. 2 pages, 6x9, 1 sheet, front and verso.
Price: $460.00
MARTINA ARROYO - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED CIRCA 1967 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 76698The famous Broadway and film actors signed this page Inscribed signatures: "To Dave/All the very best/Martina Arroyo" and, on verso, "To Dave/regards/Charles Lane", 5¼x4½.Circa: "1967" (unknown hand).
Sale Price $225.00
HELEN GURLEY BROWN - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 224820Signature from the best-selling author of Sex and the Single Girl, longtime Editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan Magazine. Signature: "Helen Gurley Brown". 5x3 card.
Price: $80.00
HELEN GURLEY BROWN - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 18482Brown signs her "Best Wishes"! Autograph Sentiment signed: "All my/Best wishes/Helen Gurley Brown". 5¼x8 album leaf with hand written and cut-out caption (two surfaces).
Price: $90.00
HELEN GURLEY BROWN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 53831Shown leaning on her office desk, inscribed to a fan. Inscribed Photograph signed: "For Ralph's/Bar & Grill -/Love and/Cheers/Helen Gurley/Brown". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $140.00
HELEN GURLEY BROWN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 277137Photograph inscribed and signed: "For/Gippy's/with/love/Helen/Gurley/Brown". Color, 6¼x10. The bestselling author of Sex and the Single Girl (1962), Helen Gurley Brown took the helm of "Cosmopolitan" magazine in 1965 and created the "Cosmo Girl".
Price: $120.00
HELEN GURLEY BROWN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 214414Black and white publicity photo of Cosmo's long-time Editor in Chief Photograph signed: "Helen/Gurley/Brown". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $160.00
HELEN GURLEY BROWN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 186766Smiling image of the best-selling author of Sex and the Single Girl Photograph signed: "Helen/Gurley/Brown". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $160.00
HELEN GURLEY BROWN - QUESTIONNAIRE SIGNED - HFSID 289667The bestselling author says she is noted for "Working hard (and liking it!)". Questionnaire signed: "Helen Gurley Brown", 7x4 printed questionnaire.
Sale Price $115.00
HELEN GURLEY BROWN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 01/05/1996 - HFSID 270156She thanks her friend, actress Phyllis Diller for sending a Christmas card. Typed letter signed: "Helen" as Editor, 1 page, 7¼x10½. New York, New York, 1996 December 30. On letterhead of "Cosmopolitan" to comedienne and actress Phyllis Diller, Los Angeles, California.
Price: $180.00
HELEN GURLEY BROWN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 08/11/1993 - HFSID 270158Warm letter to her friend, comedienne Phyllis Diller Typed Letter Signed: "Helen" as Editor, 1 page, 7¼x10½. New York, New York, 1993 August 11. On letterhead of "Cosmopolitan" to comedienne and actress Phyllis Diller, Los Angeles, California.
Price: $200.00
HELEN GURLEY BROWN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 12/30/1996 - HFSID 270155She thanks actress Phyllis Diller, a close friend, for a Christmas Card. Dated in 1996. Typed letter signed: "Helen" as Editor, 1 page, 7¼x10½. New York, New York, 1996 December 30.
Sale Price $150.00
PAT CARROLL - AUTOGRAPH ENVELOPE SIGNED 07/30/1984 - HFSID 36675Envelope addressed by the Emmy Award-winning actress to The American Museum of Historical Documents Autograph Envelope signed: "Carroll", 8x5½. 20-cent USA stamp affixed at face. Postmarked Raleigh, North Carolina, 1984, July 30th. Addressed to: "Mr. Todd M.…"
Price: $70.00
PAT CARROLL - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 07/29/1984 - HFSID 36676The Emmy Award-winning actress writes a letter to the American Museum of Historical Documents, wishing the recipient "sincere best wishes for your over-whelming success" Autograph Letter signed: "Pat Carroll", 1 page, 6½x8 unfolded, 6½x4 folded card bearing
Price: $180.00
PAT CARROLL - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 07/29/1984 - HFSID 36677The Emmy Award-winning actress writes and signs a letter, wishing the recipient "best wishes for your success" Autograph Letter signed: "Pat Carroll", 1 page, 10½x8 unfolded, 5¼x8 folded card bearing a printed caricature of the actress as Gertrude Stein.
Price: $200.00
PAT CARROLL - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 323188Short note from the actress to a soldier, saying she is glad he has returned from Iraq safe, and to "stay that way" Autograph note signed: "To Chris Smith-/So happy you are back/from Iraq safe +/sound, stay that/way. Best wishes/Pat Carroll", in black ink, 5x3.
Sale Price $115.00
PAT CARROLL - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 2097414¼x5 black and white photograph of the Emmy Award-winning actress and performer, inscribed with "all good wishes" Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Jane/Mendoza/All good/wishes/Pat Carroll". B/w, 4¼x5. Captioned at lower margin.
Price: $100.00
PAT CARROLL - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 188693The Emmy Award-winning actress and performer inscribes and signs this black and white photograph of herself shown smiling brightly Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Harry Margau/Enjoy every day/to the hilt. All/good wishes -/Pat Carroll". B/w, 8x10.
Sale Price $85.00
PAT CARROLL - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 188695The Emmy Award-winning actress and performer inscribes and signs this black and white publicity photograph for 1980s television series She's the Sheriff Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Eric Martin -/Best energies to/you - Sincerely -/Pat Carroll". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $100.00
PAT CARROLL - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 344439This black and white photograph from the show Make Room for Daddy is signed by actress, pictured with her costar Sid Melton Incribed photograph signed: "To Bill/Every/good/wish/Pat/Carroll" in black ink. 4x6.
Sale Price $115.00
PAT CARROLL - CHECK ENDORSED 09/24/1968 - HFSID 38493Check endorsed: "Pat Carroll/Pat Carroll Karsian", 3½x8½. Hollywood, California, 1968 September 24. Check No. 15354, drawn on the Los Angeles AFTRA Federal Credit Union account at the Bank of America, payable to Pat Carroll for $2,000.
Price: $120.00
PAT CARROLL - FIRST DAY COVER SIGNED - HFSID 267320First Day Cover signed: "Pat Carroll", 6½x3½. FDC honoring Christmas, 13-cent stamp affixed, postmarked Boston, Massachusetts, October 27, 1976, FIRST DAY OF ISSUE.
Price: $80.00
PAT CARROLL - INSCRIBED PRINTED ART SIGNED - HFSID 2158593½x5½ printed image of the Emmy-winning actress, inscribed with "Joy!" Inscribed Printed Art Signed: "To Jane -/Joy!/Pat Carroll." Color, 3½x5½ overall, image 3¼x3¼ (one surface). Captioned "Pat Carroll as Herself, Private Collection, 30x30".
Price: $100.00
IMOGENE COCA - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 215507Signature of the comedic actress on a 5x3 card. Signature: "Imogene Coca", 5x3 card. Comic actress Coca (1908-2001) was on stage from 1925, in film from 1937, often in skits parodying everything from ballet to heavy drama.
Price: $80.00
IMOGENE COCA - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 100857Signature from the comic actress on a 5x3 card. Signature: "Imogene Coca", 5x3 card. Comic actress Imogene Coca (1908-2001) was on stage from 1925, in films from 1937, often in skits parodying everything from ballet to heavy drama.
Price: $70.00