Autographs from people credited in 1969 The Name of the Game
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 303596TV's "Lou Grant" signed this card twice. Signatures: "Ed/Asner", 6x4 card. He has drawn circles around his signatures, and an arrow pointing from one to the other.
Price: $80.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 325593Handwritten letter from the Lou Grant actor thanking a friend for a birthday card, and briefly discussing his trip to the "mother country", which he says was too expensive to completely enjoy Autograph letter signed: "Ed", in blue ink, 8x12½.
Sale Price $215.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPH NOTE ON PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED - HFSID 341304He writes a note to a fan on this signed publicity photo (5x7) Autograph note on photograph signed: "To Keith-/Glad you're/such a fan. May/you enjoy the very/best of/life/Ed Asner", in blue ink. B/w, 5x7.
Price: $140.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 346284The comedian best known for his work on The Mary Tyler Moore Show signed this index card Autograph Note Signed: "Chris, many thanks, / Ed Asner". 5x3 index card.
Price: $80.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 323198The popular television actor offers a fan his thanks, signs name in black ink Autograph note signed: "Carey,/ Many thanks,/ Ed Asner" in black ink. Printed photograph of the actor in the left margin. 5x3.
Price: $80.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 299116The actor signs a note on a 5x3 card with a color magazine photograph of him affixed. Autograph Note signed: "Harold,/The Best of Life/Ed Asner" in black felt tip, 5x3 card. With a color magazine photograph of Asner affixed at bottom left (2 surfaces).
Price: $80.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 4276Versatile actor/producer Asner writes to a fan! Autograph note signed: "Dear Dawn,/The Best of Love/& Life and remember, as King/Henry said in Henry/IV, Part I, 'whereof/a little, more than a/little, is by much, too much'"/Ed Asner". 1p, 5¼x7¾.…"
Price: $100.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPH QUOTATION SIGNED - HFSID 304003Card signed with the motto, "Up better than down" Autograph Quotation signed: "UP better than DOWN/Ed Asner", 6x4 card. He has drawn a balloon with a smiley face to the left of the quotation.
Price: $80.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 301293Older image of the TV actor best known for his "Lou Grant", citing some more recent credits here Photograph inscribed and signed: "John, Many Thanks -/The Best of Life/Ed Asner/Dharma & Greg and a feature, 'The Animal'". B/w, 8x10. Photo: Michael Greco.
Sale Price $115.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 300386Color image of the popular actor shown as newsman Lou Grant Inscribed Photograph Signed: "Kim, The best of Love &/Life/Ed Asner". Color, 8x10. Ed Asner (1929-2021) is perhaps best known as the TV news editor on The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970-1977).
Price: $140.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 290420The actor is shown with the cast of the television series Ask Harriet in this black and white publicity photo. Inscribed Photograph signed: "Doug, many/thanks/& the/Best/of life/Ed/Asner", B/w 8x10.
Sale Price $115.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 294639Small 5x7 photograph shown wearing a button up shirt and tie, with arms crossed Inscribed Photograph signed: "To Tommy-/may you have/happiness always/my Best/Ed Asner". B/w 5x7 .
Sale Price $115.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 210782Photograph inscribed and signed: "Tim, Best/& Thanks, Ed Asner". B/w, 9x7. Former President of the Screen Actor's Guild (twice) and the winner of seven Emmys, Ed Asner (1929-2021) is perhaps best known as the TV news editor on The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970-1977).
Sale Price $115.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 272100B/w publicity still of Asner from Cracked Up 1987 Photograph inscribed and signed: "Chuck,/The Best/of Life/&/Thanks,/Ed Asner". B/w, 8x10 overall, image 7¼x8½ (one surface). Captioned at lower margin: "'CRACKED UP' - Edward Asner stars as Rev.…"
Price: $140.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 277165B/w publicity photo of an older Anser- dark sweatshirt and slight smile! Photograph inscribed and signed: "Ralph, Many thanks & The/Best of Life,/Ed/Asner". B/w, 8x10 overall, image 7¼x7¼ (one surface). Photo: Dana Gluckerstein.
Sale Price $115.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 277850Shown as Lou Grant in this inscribed and signed 5x7 photo Photograph inscribed and signed: "Dan/Best of Life/Ed Asner". B/w, 5x7 overall, image 4¼x6¼ (one surface).
Price: $140.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 75461B/w 5x7 of Asner - at news desk, sleeves rolled up and pen in hand! Photograph inscribed and signed: "Brian/Best of Life/Ed Asner". B/w, 4¾x7.
Price: $140.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 207020B/w 5x7 of Asner wearing a suit and tie - holding a rolled-up newspaper! Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Kennedy-/Thanks for your/kind words. The/very best of life/to you-/Ed Asner". B/w, 5x7.
Price: $140.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 323213Photograph of Asner with Chuck Bergeson and Ted Knight, signed to a fan with "Many Thanks + My Best Wishes" (6x4) Inscribed photograph signed: "Chris Many Thanks + My Best/Wishes Ed Asner", in blue felt tip, B/w 6x4.
Price: $140.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 321707Close-up of Asner, signed and inscribed to a fan Inscribed Photograph signed: "Steve/Best of Life, Ed Asner". B/w, 10x8.
Price: $140.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 310864The distinguished actor poses for a headshot, smiling into the camera. Photograph inscribed and signed: "Lonnie, /The Best of Life/Ed Asner," in black felt tip pen. B/w, 8x10. Photo: Dana Gluckstein.
Price: $140.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 346287The actor signed this black and white 6x4 photograph from his younger days that also features Ted Knight Inscribed Photograph Signed: "The Best of Life, Chris, Ed / Asner". B/w. 6x4. Actual size 5¼x3¾ with a white border (one surface).
Price: $140.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 325320Close-up of Asner, signed and inscribed to a fan Inscribed Photograph signed: "Rick,/Best Wishes,/Ed Asner", in black ink. B/w, 8x10.
Price: $140.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 321055Shown standing in front of plaque for the Los Angeles Tribune, the actor writes "What I need is another Watergate!" Photograph signed: "What I need is/another Watergate! Keep me informed.…"
Price: $180.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 186640B/w publicity photo of Asner - serious, holding a lit cigar! Photograph signed: "Best of Life, Ed Asner". B/w, 8x10 overall, image 6¾x7¼ - one surface.
Price: $180.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 63384B/w publicity photo of Anser - plaid shirt with open collar and winning smile! Photograph signed: "Best of Life, Ed Asner".
Price: $180.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 75659B/w 5x7 of an older Asner - dark sweatshirt and very small smile! Photograph signed: "The Best of Life, Ed/Asner". B/w, 5x7.
Price: $180.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 76710B/w 4¾x7 of Asner - camel hair coat, dark shirt and tie! Photograph inscribed and signed: "Louise/Love & Life/Ed Asner". B/w, 4¾x7.
Price: $180.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 2770104x6 Black and white photograph of Asner standing firm, pointing his finger, and letting 'em have it! Photograph signed: "Ed/Asner". B/w, 4x6.
Price: $180.00
ED ASNER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 268810Color publicity photo of Asner as Lou Grant in the newsroom! Photograph signed: "Ed Asner". Color, 8x10. Depicted in his role as TV news editor Lou Grant.
Sale Price $150.00