Autographs from people credited in 1973 1973 American League Championship Series
DOYLE ALEXANDER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 164545The pitcher is shown throwing the ball in his LA Dodger uniform in this 3½x5¼ photo Photograph signed: "Doyle Alexander". B/w, 3½x5¼ photo postcard. Stamped address of the Bill Zekus Agency, Fishkill, N.Y., on verso. Doyle Alexander (b.
Price: $90.00
DOYLE ALEXANDER - CONTRACT DOUBLE SIGNED 03/07/1975 - HFSID 295747The Baltimore Orioles pitcher signs a Topps baseball card player contract in 1975. Contract signed twice: "Doyle Alexander", in black ink, 1 page, 8½x11. Brooklyn, New York, 1975 March 7. Topps baseball card player contract with Doyle Alexander. Doyle Alexander (b.
Price: $550.00
DOYLE ALEXANDER - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20435Sports Card signed: "Doyle Alexander". Color, 2½x3½. Topps No. 491. © 1975. Heading: "Orioles/Doyle Alexander - Pitcher". Summary of major league career through 1974 on verso. Alexander won 194 games while pitching for eight major league teams (1971-1989).
Price: $90.00
JESUS ALOU - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 268725The Giants outfielder signs his name on this color publicity photograph for the Major League Club Photograph signed: "Jesus Alou". Color, 8x10. ©1988, TV Sports Mailbag.
Price: $100.00
JESUS ALOU - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20447The Giants outfielder signs his name on this A's trading card from 1975 Trading/Sports card signed: "Jesus Alou". Color, 2½x3½, 1975 Topps trading card #253. Stats on verso.
Price: $90.00
JESUS ALOU - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20450The Giants outfielder signs his name on this Astros trading card Trading/Sports card signed: "Jesus Alou". Color, 2½x3½, Topps trading card. Stats on verso.
Price: $90.00
MIKE ANDREWS - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20444Signed baseball card, shown in Red Sox uniform Sports Card signed: "Mike Andrews". Color, 3½x2½. Topps baseball card #406 for 1970. Career Major and minor league batting record printed on verso. Second baseman Mike Andrews (b.
Price: $100.00
SAL BANDO - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 2570Signature of the All-Star third baseman Signature: "Sal Bando", 5x3 sheet. 4-time All-Star third baseman Bando played 16 Major League seasons with the A's (in Kansas City and Oakland) and the Milwaukee Brewers.
Price: $80.00
SAL BANDO - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 299395Shown as the Sr. Vice President of Major League Baseball Operations in this 5x7 black and white photograph. Photograph signed: "Sal Bando", B/w 5x7.
Price: $120.00
SAL BANDO - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 326821The MLB third baseman signs his name in blue ink Printed card signed: "Sal Bando" in blue ink. 5x3 card featuring player information and 1x1¼ photo of Bando.
Price: $90.00
SAL BANDO - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 325888His signed 1972 Topps Baseball card, no. 348 shown as third baseman for the A's. Sports card signed: "Sal Bando", in blue ink, 2½x3½. © 1972 Topps Baseball card, no. 348.
Sale Price $105.00
DON "GROOVE" BAYLOR - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 85808Signature in blue ink from the MLB player and coach Signature: "Don Baylor", in blue ink, 5x3. DON BAYLOR (1949-2017), who played 19 Major League seasons (1970-1988) with seven American League clubs, was the AL's Most Valuable Player in 1979 and hit 338 career home runs.
Price: $80.00
DON "GROOVE" BAYLOR - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 46114Picture postcard showing the ball player as a member of the Boston Red Sox, signed in blue felt tip (3½x5½) Photograph signed: "Don Baylor" in blue felt tip, 3½x5½. Addressed on verso.
Price: $90.00
MARK BELANGER - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20492The longtime Baltimore Orioles shortstop who earned eight Gold Glove Awards signed this baseball card Trading Card signed: "Mark Belanger". Color, 2½x3½. No. 329. © T.C.G.
Price: $100.00
MARK BELANGER - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20494The 1970 World Series champion penned his signature on this baseball card Sports Card signed: "Mark Belanger". Color, 2½x3½. No.456. © T.C.G. On verso is a short summary of his career and individual season batting records through 1971.
Price: $100.00
MARK BELANGER - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20498This collectible baseball card is signed by the Orioles shortstop in blue ink Trading Card signed: "Mark Belanger". Color, 2½x3½. No.253. © T.C.G. On verso is a short summary of his career and individual season batting records through 1972.
Price: $100.00
MARK BELANGER - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20500The light-hitting shortstop penned his autograph on this color baseball card that also features a facsimile signature Trading Card signed: "Mark Belanger". Color, 2½x3½. No. 99. © T.C.G.
Sale Price $85.00
MARK BELANGER - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20503The eight-time Gold Glover signed this trading card in blue ink Sports Card signed: "Mark Belanger". Color, 2½x3½. No.505. © T.C.G. On verso is a short summary of his career and individual season batting records through 1975.
Sale Price $85.00
PAUL BLAIR - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 268463The 8-time Golden glove winner signs a Rawlings official American League baseball in blue ink. Baseball signed: "Paul Blair". Official American League baseball, Bobby Brown President.
Price: $200.00
PAUL BLAIR - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 111851Color photo of the late Baltimore Orioles centerfielder, winner of 8 Golden gloves. Photograph signed: "Paul Blair" in blue ink. Color, 8x10.
Sale Price $115.00
PAUL BLAIR - PROGRAM SIGNED CIRCA 1989 - HFSID 291045Program from the 50th anniversary of the Baseball Hall of Fame, signed on the front cover by the Oriole and Yankee center fielder Program signed: "Paul Blair", 30 pages, 8x10.
Sale Price $105.00
PAUL BLAIR - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20522His signed 1977 Topps sports card, no. 313 shown as outfielder for the Orioles Sports Card signed: "Paul Blair" in blue ink above facsimile signature. Color, 2½x3½. ©T.C.B. 1977 Topps sports card, no. 313.
Price: $100.00
VIDA BLUE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 274848American League baseball signed in the sweet spot by the 209-game winner Baseball signed: "Vida Blue". Rawlings official American League ball, Bobby Brown, President.
Price: $120.00
VIDA BLUE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 274764Baseball signed: "CY 71 MVP/Vida Blue". Rawlings official American League ball, Bobby Brown, President.
Price: $120.00
AL BUMBRY - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 325663His signed 1986 Topps baseball card for the Padres. Sports card signed: "Al Bumbry", in black felt tip, 2½x3½. Al Bumbry (b.1947) played in the majors for the Baltimore Orioles and San Diego Padres between 1972 and 1985.
Price: $90.00
AL BUMBRY - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20648His signed 1975 Topps Baseball card, no. 358 shown as outfielder for the Orioles. Sports card signed: "Al Bumbry", in blue ink above facsimile signature in black. Color, 2½x3½ ©1975 Topps baseball card, no.358. Al Bumbry (b.
Price: $90.00
AL BUMBRY - TRADING/SPORTS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 20657His signed 1977 Topps Baseball card, no. 626 shown as outfielder for the Orioles. Sports card signed: "Al Bumbry", in blue ink above facsimile signature in black. Color, 2½x3½ ©1977 Topps baseball card, no.626. Al Bumbry (b.
Price: $90.00
BERT CAMPANERIS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 117445Bert Campameris sign a baseball in blue ink. Baseball signed: "Bert Campaneris". Rawlings Official American League Baseball, Bobby Brown President Surrounded by superstars, Bert Campameris was a key contributor to the great Oakland teams with his competitive spirit and superb play.
Price: $160.00
BERT CAMPANERIS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 117544Official Rawlings American League Baseball signed by 14 noteworthy players.
Price: $600.00
BERT CAMPANERIS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 258145Photograph signed: "Bert Campaneris". Color, 3½x5. Candid photo. Surrounded by superstars, Bert Campaneris was a key contributor to the great Oakland teams with his competitive spirit and superb play.
Sale Price $105.00