Autographs from people credited in 1975 Meet the Press
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - ANNOTATED PRES. METAL LOGO PLATE SIGNED - HFSID 350487The Nation's bicentennial President signs a commemorative printer's plate. Commemorative Metal Printer's Plate inscribed and signed: "To Robert L. White, best wishes,/Gerald R. Ford" as 38th President, 14¾x 6½.
Price: $2,000.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 157442Gerald Ford signs a card in blue ink. Signature: "Gerald Ford", 5x3½ card. On August 9, 1974, Gerald R. Ford (1913-2006) was sworn in as the nation's 38th President following the resignation of Richard Nixon.
Price: $220.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 157436Gerald and Betty Ford sign a green index card in black ink. Signature: "Gerald R. Ford" and "Betty Ford", 5x3. On August 9, 1974, GERALD R. FORD (1913-2006) was sworn in as the nation's 38th President following the resignation of Richard Nixon.
Price: $300.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 279126Unlined 6x4 card with signatures of all six Signatures: "Walter Mondale", "Spiro T. Agnew", "Gerald R. Ford", "Bob Dole", "Dan Quayle" and "Colin Powell", 6x4 card.
Price: $450.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 179949Gerald Ford, Walter F. Mondale, and Dan Quayle sign a card. Signature: "Dan Quayle," "Fritz Mondale," and "Gerald R. Ford," 6x4 card. Ford was Nixon's Vice President and 38th U.S. President. Mondale was Carter's Vice President and lost the 1984 presidential election to Reagan.
Price: $300.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 05/07 - HFSID 257078Gerald Ford sends an autograph letter about golf. Rare Autograph Letter Signed: "Jerry Ford", 1p, 6¼x8½. No place, no year, May 7th. To Pearl [Bailey]. In full: "Have thoroughly enjoyed Perfect Lies by Wm Hallberg.…"
Sale Price $995.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 08/02/1983 - HFSID 310825The President handwrites and signs a letter to Pearl Bailey and her husband, thanking them for their thoughtful Christmas gift. Autograph letter signed: "Jerry Ford", in black ink, 1 page, 6¼x8½. August 2, 1983.
Price: $1,200.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 09/20 - HFSID 178507President Gerald R. Ford wrote this letter, on his personalized stationery with the Great Seal of the United States, to thank the recipient for a gift of sweaters. Autograph letters signed by 20th century U.S. Presidents, especially recent Chief Executives, are extremely rare!
Sale Price $845.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 11/17 - HFSID 253232He sends his condolences to a former House colleague. Autograph Letter signed: "Jerry Ford", 1p, 6¼x8½. No place, no year, November 17. On his personal letterhead with Presidential seal to "Dear Sam".
Price: $1,100.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 12/18 - HFSID 253666Former President and First Lady send holiday greetings to a former worker. Rare Autograph Letter Signed: "Gerald R. Ford", 1p, 6½x8½. No place, but accompanying envelope printed Rancho Mirage, California, no year, December 18. Fine condition. To Trey.
Price: $1,200.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED CIRCA 1993 - HFSID 277258The former President thanks his "all time favorite writer," sportswriter Jim Murray, for an inscribed copy of the writer's autobiography. Autograph Letter signed: "Jerry Ford", 1p, 6¼x8½. No place, March 18 (no year, but circa 1993).
Sale Price $995.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 50829The former president signs his thanks on the top of a memo, to Secret Service Field Office involved in security for trip to a charity golf event in Sun City, Idaho. Autograph Note signed: "Thank you/Gerald R. Ford", 8x4 typed memo. Salt Lake City, Utah, circa 1979.
Price: $300.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 48110Color publicity photograph of Gerald R. Ford wearing a suit and tie standing next to an American flag. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Helen Brandt, good luck and every/best regards./Gerald R. Ford". Color, 7¾x10 overall, image 7¾x7¾ (one surface). Gerald R.
Sale Price $325.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 49679Color publicity photograph of Gerald R. Ford wearing a suit and tie standing behind a chair holding his glasses. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Anne Rackett, Congratulations on/your 100th/Gerald R. Ford". Color, 7¾x10 overall, image 7¾x7¾ (one surface).
Price: $400.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 31077Black and white publicity photograph of Gerald R. Ford sitting in a chair holding a pipe. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Dave and Rebecka Starr, with best regards./Gerald R. Ford". B/w, 8x10 overall, image 7¼x7½ (one surface). On August 9, 1974, Gerald R.
Price: $400.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 35586Black and white publicity photograph of Gerald R. Ford in a suit and tie. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Bobbie Colbert,/with best wishes/Gerald R. Ford". B/w, 8x10. On August 9, 1974, Gerald R.
Price: $300.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 35399Black and white publicity photograph of Gerald R. Ford standing with his arms crossed next to an American flag. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Troy Sutton, Jr., with best wishes,/Gerald R. Ford". B/w, 8x10 overall, image 7¼x8 (one surface). On August 9, 1974, Gerald R.
Price: $300.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 297391Color image of the 38th President, inscribed to FBI Special Agent in Charge Ted Gunderson Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Ted Gunderson, with appreciation and congratulations/Warmest regards, Gerald R. Ford". Color, 8x10. On August 9, 1974, GERALD R.
Price: $450.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 31078Black and white publicity photograph of Betty and Gerald Ford. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Mike James/Our best wishes/Betty Ford" and "Gerald R. Ford". B/w, 8x10. On August 9, 1974, GERALD R.
Sale Price $425.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 45802Black and white publicity photograph of Gerald and Betty Ford. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Sophie Nelson/Betty Ford" and "Gerald R. Ford". B/w, 10x8 overall, image 9½x6¼ (one surface). On August 9, 1974, GERALD R.
Sale Price $425.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 152227Champion football player who became a Congressman, Vice President and President of the U.S. Official Bobby Brown American League Baseball signed: "Gerald Ford". On August 9, 1974, Gerald R.
Price: $700.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 254897Champion football player who became a Congressman, Vice President and President of the U.S. Official A. Bartlett Giamatti National League Baseball signed: "Gerald R. Ford". The first appointed U.S. Vice President (1973-1974), former Michigan Congressman Gerald R.
Sale Price $295.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 296925Shown on the cover of an October 22, 1973 issue of Time magazine Magazine Cover signed: "Gerald R. Ford", 8¼x11. Time magazine cover for October 22, 1973. Cover story: "The New No. 2". On August 9, 1974, Gerald R.
Price: $300.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 27724510x14 color photo of the 38th President seated in the Oval Office Photograph signed: "Gerald R. Ford". Color, 10x14 overall, image 9½x12 (one surface). Printed caption in lower margin: "Gerald R. Ford/President of the United States." On August 9, 1974, Gerald R.
Sale Price $325.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 263060Gerald R. Ford signs a color publicity photograph of him with three present and former presidents in the White House. Photograph signed: "Gerald Ford". Color, 10x8 overall, image 9½x6½ (one surface).
Sale Price $245.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 144141Color publicity photograph of Gerald R. Ford wearing a suit and tie with his arms folded in front of him. Photograph signed: "Gerald R. Ford". Color, 8x10 overall, image 8x7¾ (one surface). Gerald R. Ford (1913-2006), who had been a U.S.
Sale Price $325.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 47674Color publicity photograph of Gerald R. Ford taken in the Oval Office on February 25, 1976. Photograph signed: "Gerald R. Ford". Color, 8x10. Ford's second official portrait, taken in the Oval Office on February 25, 1976. On August 9, 1974, Gerald R.
Price: $425.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 47677Color publicity photograph of the south portico of the White House signed by Gerald Ford. Photograph signed: "Gerald R. Ford". B/w, 10x8. On August 9, 1974, Gerald R. Ford (1913-2006) was sworn in as the nation's 38th President following the resignation of Richard Nixon.
Price: $400.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 48106Black and white publicity photograph of Gerald R. Ford wearing a suit and tie. Photograph signed: "Gerald R. Ford". B/w, 8x9¾. Gerald R. Ford (1913-2006), who had been a U.S.
Price: $300.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 48107Black and white publicity photograph of Gerald R. Ford wearing a pin stripped suit and tie. Photograph signed: "Gerald R. Ford". B/w, 8x9¾ overall, image 7¼x7¼ (one surface). Gerald R. Ford (1913-2006), who had been a U.S.
Price: $360.00