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The former First Lady sends her regret that she does not send photographs anymore. Typed Letter Signed: "Eleanor Roosevelt", 1p, 6x5. New York, New York, 1960 March 17. On her personal imprinted Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt letterhead to Mrs. White.

Price: $300.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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The former First Lady sends her regret that she does not send photographs anymore.
Typed Letter Signed: "Eleanor Roosevelt", 1p, 6x5. New York, New York, 1960 March 17. On her personal imprinted Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt letterhead to Mrs. White. In full: "Thank you very much for your kind letter. I so wish I could send you a picture but deeply regret to say that I have long since stopped giving out any photographs. I hope you will accept this note as a substitute for your collection. With every good wish, very sincerely yours". Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) had married her distant cousin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, in 1905 (her uncle, President Theodore Roosevelt, gave her away). She would serve as First Lady for 12 years and 39 days (March 4, 1933 until her husband's death of a cerebral hemorrhage on April 12, 1945), longer than any other woman.Eleanor, who had previously been First Lady of New York when FDR was Governor of the state (1929-1933), later became known as "First Lady of the World" for her humanitarian efforts, including getting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations. Appointed by President Truman, she had been a member of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations from 1945-1952. On November 7, 1962, 78-year-old Eleanor Roosevelt died at her New York apartment, the address of which is imprinted on this letterhead. She was buried next to her husband in Hyde Park four days later. Irregular edges. Glue remnant at upper left. Otherwise, fine condition.

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