Foreign Wars | Postcards
Top Signers
ANGEL AYOROA - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 46766Sepia-tone picture post card of Angel Ayoroa, who led Bolivian troops to victory over Paraguayan forces at the Battle of Cañada Cochabamba during the Chaco War between Paraguay and Bolivia Picture post card signed "Angel Ayoroa".
Price: $320.00
LT. GENERAL MOSHE DAYAN - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED 06/28/1972 - HFSID 164482Moshe Dayan signs an Israeli picture postcard. Israeli Postcard Photograph signed: "Blessings/Moshe Dayan/28 Sivan 5732" (June 10, 1972) in Hebrew on verso. Color, 4x5½. Dayan founded the Haganah militia force in 1939.
Price: $400.00
HERBERT GODFREY - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 166770B/w picture post card with a bust photo of Herbert Godfrey, conductor of the Crystal Palace Military Band, based in London's now-destroyed Crystal Palace, in uniform.
Price: $200.00
EDUARDO ZAMACOIS - INSCRIBED PICTURE POSTCARD SIGNED CIRCA 1920 - HFSID 159309The reporter and novelist inscribes a 5½x3½ postcard of old Barcelona, adding a sentiment in Spanish Picture Postcard inscribed and signed: "Al Señor/Dr. Francisco Rius Enturbi/Afectuoso recuerdo [affectionate memory]/Eduardo Zamacois/B. Aires/1920".
Price: $280.00