Foreign Wars | Signatures
Top Signers
H.O. ARNOLD-FORSTER - CLIPPED SIGNATURE - HFSID 81091British politician and former Secretary of State for War signs his name in gray ink Clipped signature: "H.O. Arnold-Forster" in gray ink. 4x1¼, affixed to 7½x6½ piece of paper. H. O.
Price: $90.00
BERNT BALCHEN - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 31504Signature: "Bernt Balchen", 8½x4½. The Norwegian pilot/engineer was pilot on Byrd's 1927 transatlantic flight and chief pilot on Byrd's flight to the South Pole in 1929.
Sale Price $150.00
BERNT BALCHEN - AUTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 17655Signatures of the Antarctic pilots and the New York philanthropist Signatures: "Bernt Balchen", "Alton N. Parker",and on verso, "Lucis R. Eastman". 7¾x5 album leaf.
Price: $180.00
PRESIDENT ABOLHASSAN BANI-SADR (IRAN) - AUTOGRAPH 07/23/1984 - HFSID 208113A. BANISADR (Pres. Iran). Signature: "A. Banisadr/23 July 1984" in French, 5x3 card.
Price: $70.00
HAIM BARLEV - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 35546Card signed by the former Israeli Chief of the General Staff in English and Hebrew, postmarked in Brooklyn, New York in 1977 with a Thomas Jefferson stamp affixed Signatures: "Haim Barlev" twice in Hebrew and English. 5x3 ruled card.
Price: $80.00
PRIME MINISTER DAVID BEN-GURION (ISRAEL) - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 178028The "Father of Israel" signs his name in blue ink Signature: "D Ben-Gurion", in Hebrew, 3¼x4¾. Name & title typed. David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973), who became known as "The Father of Israel", became captivated with Zionism during his youth in Poland.
Price: $500.00
PRESIDENT CHIANG KAI-SHEK (CHINA) - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 251366Signature in Chinese characters, 3¾x6½ card. Imprinted at upper margin: "The President/of the/Republic of China". Embossed sun logo of the Republic of China above imprint.
Price: $1,700.00
PRESIDENT CHIANG KAI-SHEK (CHINA) - AUTOGRAPH CIRCA 1969 - HFSID 172069Signature in Chinese characters, 3¾x6½ card. Imprinted at upper margin: "The President/of the/Republic of China". Embossed sun emblem of the Republic of China above imprint.
Sale Price $1,450.00
GENERAL JOHN TREDINNICK CROCKER - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 175044The English General who fought in World War I and World War II signs this blue card Signature: “From: General Sir John Crocker/J.T. Crocker/General” in blue ink. 4x3. THE WAR OFFICE LANDSDOWNE HOUSE, BERKELEY SQUARE, LONDON, (Adjutant-General to the Forces) letterhead.
Price: $180.00
DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 167063Clipped signature: "Cambridge", 2x½. George, Duke of Cambridge (1819-1904), was the only son of King George III's seventh son, Adolphus Frederick. His sister, Mary Adelaide, was the mother of Queen Mary, mother of Kings George VI and Edward VIII.
Price: $320.00
DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE - CLIPPED SIGNATURE - HFSID 161131Clipped signature of the man who commanded the British army for 39 years Clipped signature: "Cambridge", 2x¾. George, Duke of Cambridge (1819-1904), was the only son of King George III's seventh son, Adolphus Frederick.
Price: $220.00
DUKE ALFRED DUKE OF SAXE-COBURG AND GOTHA - CLIPPED SIGNATURE - HFSID 153601Clipped signature of Queen Victoria's second son, a British admiral who succeeded to the throne of a German duchy in 1893 Clipped Signature: "Alfred Captain", 3½x1, affixed to 4x4 cardstock (2 surfaces). Signed above fragment of a printed text.
Sale Price $150.00
ROBERT (2ND VISCOUNT MELVILLE) DUNDAS - AUTOGRAPH 04/09/1830 - HFSID 81221Signature: "Melville". 6x2½. Cut from franked address leaf, a portion of which is present. In Dundas' hand: "Overton ninth April 1830./John Miller Esqr/Admiralty Office/London". Postmarked: "Free 10 April 1830". Mounted on 7½x5 sheet with printed biography.
Price: $80.00
COUNT EARL OF DALHOUSIE XI - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 81204The Earl of Dalhousie XI pens his autograph on this 4½x¾ piece of paper, in iron gall ink Signature: “Lord Ramsay/11 Belgrave” in iron gall ink. 4½x¾.
Sale Price $165.00
REAR ADMIRAL E. W. ELLIS - AUTOGRAPH CIRCA 1972 - HFSID 81018His signature as Admiral President of the Royal Naval College, Greenwich (1972) Signature: "E. W. Ellis", 4x2½ blue paper affixed to 5¾x2½ paper trimmed unevenly - 3 surfaces. Printed heading: "from Rear Admiral E. W. Ellis, C.B.E.…"
Price: $70.00
URI GELLER - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 294734Felt tip signature of the famed psychic Signature: "Uri Geller", 3½x2½. Uri Geller, born in 1946 in what was then British Palestine, is a self-proclaimed psychic who performs tricks of telepathy and telekinesis, most famously the bending of spoons.
Price: $80.00
MAJOR GENERAL OSKAR MUNZEL - AUTOGRAPH CIRCA 1980 - HFSID 315421Envelope signed by the tank commander decorated by three German armies Envelope signed: "Oskar Munzel/generalMajor a. D. [Major General, retired]", 6½x3½. Envelope bearing a 15-cent US flag stamp, postmarked Washington, D.C., May 8, 1980.
Price: $180.00
ADMIRAL THOMAS D. GILBERT - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 166853Signature: "T D Gilbert", 3¼x3½. Printed biography affixed at bottom. British Admiral Thomas D. Gilbert was awarded the Legion of Honour, was Aide-de-Camp to King George V (1921-1922) and commanded the 2nd Light Cruiser Squadron (1923-1925).
Price: $160.00
CHARLES HENRY (7TH DUKE OF RICHMOND) GORDON-LENNOX - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 81189His ink signature on a sheet with affixed biographic clippings Signature: "Richmond & Gordon", 3½x1½, affixed to a 6x5 sheet with printed biographic clippings.
Price: $140.00
GENERAL IAN S. HAMILTON - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 166867Ink signature above his imprinted address on this 5½x1½ page Signature: "Ian Hamilton", 5½x1½. Signed in black ink above his printed London address.
Sale Price $150.00
GENERAL IAN S. HAMILTON - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 166868Ink signature on this 3x1 strip Signature: "Ian Hamilton", 3¼x1 trimmed unevenly.
Price: $180.00
GENERAL IAN S. HAMILTON - AUTOGRAPH CIRCA 1903 - HFSID 24204He signs on this 4½x2¼ page, dating it in 1903! Signature: "Ian Hamilton", 4¼x2¼. Ink note (unknown hand): "New York, Oct. 26. 1903".
Sale Price $150.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL REGINALD FRANCIS ARTHUR HOBBS - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 166844The Brigadier General pens his autograph in black ink Signature: “R.F.A. Hobbs” in black ink. 2¾x1½. Reginald Francis Arthur Hobbs was a Brigadier-General. Signer merits for further research. Toned. Mounting residue on verso. Pencil notations on verso.
Price: $80.00
VICE ADMIRAL HIKOJIRO IJICHI - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 83135Rear Admiral in the Russo-Japanese War. Signature: "H. Ijichi" in English, added in another hand: "Rear Admiral/Commanding Japanese/Training Squadron", 4½x2½ card.
Price: $180.00
FIELD MARSHAL CLAUD W. JACOB - CLIPPED SIGNATURE - HFSID 166857Signing as a Field Marshal, the rank he obtained in 1926 Clipped Signature: "Claud W. Jacob/F. M.", 3½x1, affixed to 4½x1 pink cardstock (2 surfaces).
Price: $100.00
MAJOR GENERAL GEORGE (1ST BARON JEFFREYS) JEFFREYS - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 166848The British general, diarist and politician signs as simply "Jeffreys/General". Signature: "Jeffreys/General", 4x2¼ card.
Price: $80.00
KING WILLIAM IV - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 85831He pens his signature on this slip of paper "Clarence" while he was Duke of Clarence. He was given this title in 1789, over 40 years before he ascended to the throne of the United Kingdom Signature: "Clarence.". With pencil notations on mounting paper.
Price: $500.00
KING WILLIAM IV - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 100593The monarch's signature featured on this irregularly cut page Signature: "William R". 6½x1½. Prince William Henry (1765-1837), the third son of King George III, reigned as King William IV from 1830 until his death.
Sale Price $425.00
FIELD MARSHAL HORATIO KITCHENER - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 273047Signature: "Kitchener/F.M.", 3¾x1¾. Slightly creased. Slightly soiled at blank areas, tape stains at upper and lower margins. Overall fine condition. Accompanied by Printed Photograph, unsigned. B/w, 5x7. Name and "1916" imprinted at upper background.
Sale Price $375.00
RAMBAHADUR LIMBU - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 80365The Nepalese Gurkha who fought in the Indonesian Confrontation signs his name in black ink Signature: “Ram bahadur Limbu” in black ink, 4½x3½. Rambahadur Limbu (b. 1939) is a former Nepalese Gurkha who fought in the Indonesian Confrontation.
Price: $70.00