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Handwritten letter by the General thanking a friend, saying "We miss the stops we used to make on our drives from New York to Skytop when we loaded the car with those fine Hickory Valley Farm products" Autograph Letter signed: "Tony McAuliffe", 1p, 7¼x10½.

Sale Price $425.00

Reg. $500.00

Condition: Slightly creased, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Handwritten letter by the General thanking a friend, saying "We miss the stops we used to make on our drives from New York to Skytop when we loaded the car with those fine Hickory Valley Farm products"
Autograph Letter signed: "Tony McAuliffe", 1p, 7¼x10½. Washington, D.C., 1965 January 9. Addressed to Dear Dr. Shulman. In full: "Your splendid gift of sausage and smoked turkey arrived in fine shape and has added to our enjoyment of the Holidays. We miss the stops we used to make on our drives from New York to Skytop when we loaded the car with those fine Hickory Valley Farm products. We send you our sincere thanks and our best wishes to you and yours for every happiness in 1965. Sincerely yours" Slightly creased. Fine condition. With 7½x3¾ postmarked, stamped envelope addressed by McAuliffe. Torn top edge, soiled, else fine. In WWII, General McAuliffe was in command of the 101st Airborne division during the successful defense of Bastogne. Checking the German counterattack in the Ardennes, on December 22, 1944, he made the famous reply "Nuts" to a surrender ultimatum of the surrounding German force. Two items.

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