Sale Price $255.00
Reg. $300.00
J. Lawton Collins writes a letter of encouragement and gives a suggestion on
how to introduce the study of the military in a high school setting.
Typed Letter Signed: "J Lawton Collins", 1p, 7¼x10½. No place, 1971
February 2. To Edmond D. Marino, Department of History, Chaney H.S.,
Youngstown, Ohio. In full: "Some time ago my nephew, Brigadier General
James L. Collins, Jr., sent me a copy of your letter to him dated October and
his reply thereto. As my nephew pointed out his father was Major General James
L. Collins, my elder brother. Near the end of my nephew's letter he suggested
that after your plans had firmed up a bit you might then write to me with
respect to any specific ideas on which you thought I might be helpful.
Meanwhile, and this is the first opportunity I have had to give your letter some
serious thought, I do want to congratulate you on your idea of introducing into
your high school some study of military history. I would suggest that you might
use as a vehicle a study of four of our major wars rather than going abroad or
embarking on a general study of the history of warfare. I am still a pretty busy
man but if you should ever pass through Washington, and feel it would be
helpful, I would be glad to discuss this suggestion with you. Best wishes for
success in your studies, Sincerely yours," Major General Joseph Lawton
Collins was Commander of the 25th Infantry Division which, in December 1942,
landed as a relief force on Guadalcanal. He was part of General Omar
Bradley's First Army in the Normandy assault as Commander of the VII Corps that
spearheaded the breakout at St. Lô in July 1944. From 1949-1953, General Collins
was Chief of Staff of the Army. Staple holes at upper left. Horizontal fold
through signature. Otherwise, fine condition.
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