Price: $1,100.00
The Major General pens a warm letter to friend Figueredo informing
him about the health of some revolutionaries including himself, grants him with
authorizations and requests and lets him know that he and his people wish to see
him soon. The Secretary also writes favoring him with supplies.
Autograph Letter Signed: "Maximo" and "V. Rojas" in
iron gall ink. 8¼x11¼. 4 pages. Fully Translated in English: "Las
Cabezas, June 6, 1890. C. Felix Figueredo. Dear friend. Fulgencio returned with
your letters that have filled me with happiness and sadness, sadness because of
your situation. But do not worry, you situation will change soon and fortunate
days will come. Cheer up, in this world we all are exposed to suffering but the
greatest Glory for a man is to triumph from the misfortune, staying firm as a
rock against the strikes of bad luck. I am your friend and regardless I am weak
and out of shape I would do for you as much as I can and should do to demand
justice due to the sympathies that link us since that fellowship that we started
in the first days of the revolution childhood. I will happily give you the
certification you are asking me for and for being more convenient for you, I
give you the freedom to write it yourself and send me the draft, that here I
will make the final draft done which I will sign it and send it back to you. I
am sad you are leaving to the center and don't get to see each other. However
I'll do anything possible even if that implies to dedicate four or five days to
go to the place you are because it is not possible for you to come. That is a
fatality my friend, and if you could have come with Fulgencio, you would have
been a consolation angel. Calixto was wounded on his left forearm during a
shooting we had with the soldiers the last day in Cruz Alta on the skirts of the
town. He received a bullet which stayed inside his arm but it was close to
coming out, because it reached the other side and even rip the skin on the back
of the arm, if only you had been there you would have taken it out at the proper
time or right away, but imagine me by myself and even without curious people
around to help me. I had to take care of him until the day before yesterday when
I sent him to Charco Redondo. There, the intrepid and good person Commander
Duran extracted the bullet. He is doing fine and the wound is starting to heal
and even his bone has been sutured it seems no serious, because he does not feel
much pain and the inflammation is not very bad. Ah, if you could only be here!
My soul would be so happy, so you could cure him and see the wound and perhaps
with your recommendations he could heal more quickly. I gave the note of your
requirements to Fulgencio along with authorization to provide with anything we
can and since he has to go back for those places he will bring it to you. I
would like to write you more but I cannot do it now because I have a pile of
work up to my eyes and I don't feel well because I have indigestion every three
days and even it is not like fever, I do get really sick, and today is one of
those days. With Calixto down I don't have enough free time because now I have
to supervise everything myself and almost without even been able to jump off my
horse and also I have had to withdraw myself from Pepe, so he can take care of
himself, so the two men assigned to assist me can't longer do it. All my
assistants say hello to you, especially Pepe and all of them want to bring you
here because they say they want to feed you , you can count on the sympathies of
all my people. Calixto tells you many things, he regrets he cannot write you but
in spite of his status he is very proud of his wound. Good bye, your friend
Maximo. Friend Figueredo: the General has ordered me to give to you some
scrutiny effects and I gladly do it only with a fountain pen, some paper and
some steel pens: I am not sending you ink because we make it here by battering
the cotton leafs and rubbing them against a cauldron until it is loose enough,
then we squeeze it and if not much ink comes out we mix it with some water and
it is magnificent. I am sorry I do not have plenty of things to send you but we
are short in supplies. With no other particular and wishing you keep yourself
well, I put my services under your orders, a friend who wants to see you. The
secretary, Vicente Rojas." Dominican Major General Maximo Gomez
(1836-1905) was initially trained as an officer of the Spanish Army at the
Zaragoza Military Academy, originally arriving in Cuba as a cavalry Captain
in the Spanish Army before taking up the rebel cause in 1968. Gomez famously
helped transform the Cuban Army's military tactics and strategy, teaching the
guerrilla independence fighters, the Mambises, their most feared tactic: the
"Machete Charge". Gomez worked odd military jobs for the next couple
decades: he became involved with the independence of Puerto Rico when he sold
most of his possessions to finance a revolution, even volunteering to lead
troops (later deemed unnecessary when Spain intervened), as well as was promoted
to General of the Cuban army, improving the military's guerrilla tactics most
effective against the traditional Spanish forces. The Spanish-American War, the
result of the United States interfering in the Cuban War of Independence, forced
Cuba to decide if they should choose heritage over their New World partners
(Spain vs. U.S.), Dios decided to fight solely for his adopted country's
independence; he lost his most trusted officer Antonio Maceo, and his son
Francisco Gomez in the war in 1896, but by 1898 Cuba had obtained independence
and Gomez was offered the presidential nomination, but he refused due to his
Dominican heritage. By that time his was 75 years old, having spent half his
life dedicated to the liberation of Cuba, and he died in Havana in 1905.
Vicente Rojas merits further research. Toned. Normal mailing folds. Small
tears along edges. Ink slightly faded. Stain throughout. Worn and Soiled.
Otherwise, fine condition
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