Price: $160.00
As a US Representative he signs a typed letter promising not to support any
legislation which would eliminate coin collecting.
Typed Letter signed: "George Mahon" as US Representative, 1p,
8½x10. Washington, 1965 July 23. On Congressional letterhead to M. E.
Randall, Littlefield, Texas. In full: "Thanks very much for your good
letter in regard to the so-called Bible Bill. I would not want to see
legislation passed which would eliminate coin collecting. I shall bear your
views in mind as developments occur here. As you may know, the House some time
ago passed a coinage bill, but this had no similarity to the Bible Bill. It is
good to hear from you. Call upon me further at any time. Best wishes.
Cordially". George Herman Mahon (1900-1985), formerly a federal judge and
district attorney was elected to 22 consecutive terms in the US House of
Representatives (1935-1979). A Democrat, he chaired the Appropriations
Committee from 1964 until 1979. He exerted great influence on budgetary
issues and farm policy. At the 2008 centennial of Lubbock, Texas, the local
paper declared Mahon the most influential Lubbock citizen of the 20th
century. The Bible Bill, mentioned in this letter, sponsored by
Senator Alan Bible of Nevada, was based on the since discredited theory that
coin collecting was the cause of a serious coin shortage in the US. The
bill, never passed into law, would have imposed fines and even imprisonment for
selling at more than face value, coins deemed by the Treasury Department not to
be rare. Normal mailing fold creases. Lightly creased toned and foxed. Folds
soiled on verso.
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