Sale Price $552.00
Reg. $650.00
He adjusts his MGM Records contract to include the new LP format.
Document signed: "George Shearing", 1p, 8½x11. Elmhurst, Long
Island, 1950 May 24. Shearing signs his acceptance of a documentary letter
from Loew's Incorporated and MGM Records supplementing an agreement of 1949
February 17, and stipulating that Shearing will receive 4% of the retail sales
price of 90% of LP (long play) records sold under the prior agreement. This sum
shall be prorated according to the percentage of songs on the LP composed by
Shearing. Born blind and playing piano from age 3, George Shearing was a popular
jazz artist in his native England in the 1940s. Moving to the US in 1947,
George Shearing and his quintet become one of the most popular jazz ensembles of
the 1950s and 1960s. His albums continued on the Billboard charts into the
21st century. "LP" (long playing) phonograph records, recorded at 33
revolutions per minute, were first introduced in 1948, and were the dominant
form of record music from the late 1950s into the 1980s. Staple holes at upper
left. Lightly toned. Overall, fine condition.
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