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About the illness of his wife, "Babe" Didrikson Zaharias. Typed Letter Signed: "George", 1p, 8½x11. Hotel Beaumont, Beaumont, Texas, 1952 May 28. To his wife's manager, Fred Corcoran, New York City.

Sale Price $150.00

Reg. $180.00

Condition: Lightly creased Add to watchlist:
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About the illness of his wife, "Babe" Didrikson Zaharias.
Typed Letter Signed: "George", 1p, 8½x11. Hotel Beaumont, Beaumont, Texas, 1952 May 28. To his wife's manager, Fred Corcoran, New York City. In full: "I just arrived here in Beaumont, saw Babe and she is doing well after the operation. It was more serious than was given out to the papers. Today we got some really good news--that it was not malignant, and that made us both very happy. This you can keep under your hat, just wanted to let you know. Babe will be in the hospital for a few more days if no complications of any kind set in, and under a doctor's care. She is not to touch a club or putter for eight weeks, so I believe she might be through for the rest of the year, that is the way it seems now. That is all the news from here. Drop Babe a line as she would like to hear from you. Give Sally and the young one our best." His wife, Mildred "Babe" Didrikson Zaharias, was diagnosed with cancer in 1951. She continued to play until 1955 and succumbed to her illness in 1956. She was 42.George Zaharias (1908-1984), born Thomas Vetoyanis, was a professional wrestler called "the Crying Greek from Cripple Creek," usually cast as the ring villain. In 1938 he met Babe Didrickson, track and field gold medalist at the 1932 Olympics. They met at a celebrity golf tournament. They married later that year, and George managed Babe's golf career thereafter, also caring for her during her long battle with cancer. Football Hall of Famer Alex Karras portrayed George Zaharias in the TV movie Babe (1975). Lightly creased, rust stains from paper clip at blank upper corners. Otherwise, fine condition.

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